installation hangs

Well I’ve tried 4 different cd’s now. Tried both KDE and GNOME all to the same result. During the load screen it hangs and never finishes. For now I’m putting unbuntu back on the system so I can still watch my videos at night. However I really did want to try SUSE. did this all during lunch, so tonight I’ll try and download the dvd version and see if that works any better.

Make sure you have a good download & that the md5 checksum matches before burning the disc,also,burn at the slowest speed possible,to get a good burn. A quick squint through this might be worthwhile NEWBIES - Suse-11.0 Pre-installation – PLEASE READ - openSUSE Forums


Already did that, I ended up putting ubuntu on that system and it loaded fine. Next I tried dual booting my main system with windows and Open SUSE-Gnome. It took to my main system just fine. Loaded up great and I was having a good time playing around with the system. However after installing the updates that popped up with the update manager my background sort of got choppy with lines in it occasionally. I restarted the system and now all I get when I load up SUSE is a white screen. Kills me that it was working just great until I did the updates.

Perhaps your X server configuration got borked somehow. Try booting the system into runlevel 3 (just type the number 3 in the bar below on the boot menu screen). That will boot to a command prompt. Then do:

more /etc/X11/xorg.conf

and look for the device section. You will see the driver name there, note that. Then try


and the graphics card configurations will (hopefully come up). Check the configuration, test it, save it. Then do


if this didn’t work, try this instead

sax2 -r -m 0=nameofdriverfromabove

Thanks for the input. However after it happend I ended up just reloading suse from a fesh install to start over. This time instead of using the one click install for the ati drivers I did the how-to command line version of installing drivers for the ati-x700 models and it seemed to have done the trick. Thanks for the input though.