installation ffMultiConverter on (Open) Suse

Hi, I’m new so forgive me if I make a mistake or something :wink:

Does anybody have experience at installing FF Multi Converter on Suse?

I’ve searched a lot for info but cannot find good information.

I’ve downloaded the file ffmulticonverter-1.5.2.tar.gz from

The ‘official’ site seems to be (for me :wink: where you can see that almost any distro is supported but Suse :frowning:

So I’ve downloaded the tar.gz, unpacked it, read the ReadMe.txt where it says:

From application’s directory run as root:
./ install

So I did this (first time in my live, very proud yes) and it seems that it has been installed in my OpenSuse Tumbleweed Gnome (I’m in deep deep love with that distro) since when I start FF Multi Converter in Gnome, I can see my hard disk work busy for 3 sec but nothing happens…


Oh, by the way, it really doesn’t have to be FF Multi Converter but I couldn’t find another video converter program…

With risk to make a fool of my self and I dont know your needs have you tried VLC? It is rather good for easier jobs.

A link thats gives you a idea is here.

Good luck!


Unfortunately it did not.

I have VLC and tried to Convert / Save in several formats but it didn’t work.

Well, it is what it is so unless anybody else has a suggestion I think failure is just a fact in this case :wink:

Thanks anyway!

Can you play the video in VLC? Installed the VLC codecs from Packman repo ? It has working for me in different cases.

In that case… Good luck.


On Sat 07 Feb 2015 07:26:02 PM CST, yuryen wrote:

Unfortunately it did not.

I have VLC and tried to Convert / Save in several formats but it didn’t

Well, it is what it is so unless anybody else has a suggestion I think
failure is just a fact in this case :wink:

Thanks anyway!

The other option is handbrake available from the packman repositories.

You may need to install libdvdcss as well.

Cheers Malcolm °¿° LFCS, SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 GNOME 3.10.1 Kernel 3.12.36-38-default
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It requires python-qt4 so you’ll need it installed or it won’t start.

You’ll also need ffmpeg from Packman and maybe unoconv/Imagemagick.

It meaning ffmulticonv, not VLC naturally :slight_smile:

yuryen wrote:

> Oh, by the way, it really doesn’t have to be FF Multi Converter but I
> couldn’t find another video converter program…
A look here may help

Ok thanks, but this is getting way out of my league :slight_smile:

I’ve read and tried to understand how to install this packman repository and tried this in Yast by adding a FTP of HTTP adress but it just won’t work and I don’t think I will unless I’m going to read and think a lot more before I take any other action but it’s to complicated right now :shame:

So thanks for your answers, effort and time, but for now I have to learn a lot first.

Kind regards!

To add Packman:

Yast -> software -> repositories -> add -> community repositories -> checkmark Packman -> ok -> finish.

When prompted, choose always trust.

Then install ffmpeg and python-qt4 and it should work.

Thanks for the straightforward explanation :smile:

So I’ve tried that too but the only items listed are:

  • main Repository (Sources)
  • Main Repository (DEBUG)

However, when I check the Configured Software Repositories, there is (among others):
packman** (URL:


Packman Repository (URL:

both Enabled and active for Autorefresh.

It’s clear I am missing something and don’t want to be a too big burden.

In ubuntu you can mark the extra needed packages during installation, that would be nice in OpenSuse so for us average Linux users (not you :P) it would be easy.
Anyway I have to say that from all of the distro’s I’ve tried (Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, Mate, KDE-something), I find OpenSuse Tumbleweed Gnome the most beautiful and awesome distro there is.
I just wish there would be something like 1 base/source for all Linux distro’s software (install) instead of the 2 basic (Ubuntu/Debian of Fedora/Suse).
And even in OpenSuse Gnome I get confused what to choose for software install: is it the Gnome Software of Yast2? If one uses both, might there something get broken? Don’t answer, this is just me flushing away some frustration over things I don’t understand.

Anyway in the next days/weeks i’ll try to find out and learn enough to fix this. Thanks very much everybody for your valuable time!!

Having two is not a good idea, remove the other one so it’ll only have one Packman. Also I didn’t know you used Tumbleweed so it’s a little different.

It would be nice to have all the patent restricted files included but the SUSE guys decided to go full GPL-no-“questionable” software included route.

Normally just using the opensuse-guide’s 1-click installer would be enough to add Packman and install all necessary codecs however I’m not sure if that works for Tumbleweed as I do not use it for various reasons.

However, please install python-qt4 and let me know if ffmc works then - it would be interesting, I might package it if it’s good.

YEAH YES rotfl!

It worked!!!

Thanks very much. It is unfortunately that I can’t attach the video, it’s an owl (parrot) next to a air fan being very happy :slight_smile:
It’s flash I guess and I sent it to a friend’s phone with Telegram but he couldn’t play it on it, so that’s how it started.

It’s actually a very nice program from what I can see and you can translate a video to any format, even in batch I think I read somewhere.

Well, that’s nice to have learned something.

I hope you can use it nice too!

Thanks again and have a nice evening.

On 02/08/2015 12:46 PM, Miuku wrote:
> yuryen;2693957 Wrote:
>> both Enabled and active for Autorefresh.
> Having two is not a good idea, remove the other one so it’ll only have
> one Packman. Also I didn’t know you used Tumbleweed so it’s a little
> different.
> yuryen;2693957 Wrote:
>> In ubuntu you can -mark- the extra needed packages during installation,
>> that would be nice in OpenSuse so for us average Linux users (not you
>> :P) it would be easy.
> It would be nice to have all the patent restricted files included but
> the SUSE guys decided to go full GPL-no-“questionable” software included
> route.
NO, they went the legal route by not including ANY software that has
patent restrictions.
