installation encryption support


i would like to know if the installer of tumbleweed support hd encryption with ext4 (new feature)


I don’t know, but I doubt that there is any installer support at the moment. I have not seen anything that suggested it in my most recent install. Nor have I seen much discussion on the factory mailing list.

Since it is for encrypted directories, the most obvious use would be for encrypted home directories. I doubt that will show up in opensuse until there is a well developed tool set available.

On 2015-07-24 15:46, nrickert wrote:
> Since it is for encrypted directories, the most obvious use would be for
> encrypted home directories. I doubt that will show up in opensuse until
> there is a well developed tool set available.

That seems a very interesting feature :slight_smile:

There is another one I would like more: compressed directories.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

There is a toolset available see or
This veracrypt package is available for TW as unstable package through package search.

The issue was about a tool set specific to the encryption that is built into “ext4” in recent kernels.