I really want to install SuSE on my machine, but I have a slight dilemma. I don’t have enough disk space on my main hardrive, and I don’t think that my BIOS supports booting from USB. Is there any way to check this? If it doesn’t, then is there anyway to use openSuSE without having to deal with the LiveCD? (btw I’ve been using the cd more than I’ve been using Windows… all the more reason to dual boot). Also, I need my Windows on there. Right, any suggestions?
To check your bios, you must enter it to see.
At boot there should be a message displayed saying which key to press to enter bios:
It could be the: ‘Delete’ button or F2 - just depends
Once in there you navigate with the keyboard
You want the BOOT section
Have a good look through.
With good planning and organizing you should easily be able to install both. It’s always a good idea to use a separate partition in windows for your user and program files. That partition can be on any drive accessible to windows. It also means, when you have to re-install windows, you don’t loose all your data.
Obviously hard drives are still not cheep enough that you can’t just buy a new one. So I suggest a long hard think on the lines of a HD wipe and fresh install. Backup important data first.