Installation boot


I have rather interesting problem. I want to install openSUSE and any install media will not boot. I tried every way to create installation media.(USB through prog/dd and burning DVD). They just won’t simply boot.

any ideas?

You obviously know that it is necessary to set the cd/dvd drive and or USB as first boot device in BIOS?

Are you able to try the install media in any other computer?

When you say it will not boot. I assume you mean you do not even get a boot screen?

yeah…I was running ubuntu/win7 dual boot, but i decided to move from ubuntu to SUSE. Well was not able to try it on any other PC. And yes I do not even get to boot screen, not even DVD-mechanics start working, no progress on USB

Boot to Ubuntu and put in the SUSE DVD
How many files and folders do you see

dawner wrote:
> And yes I do not even get … DVD-mechanics start working, no
> progress on USB

i guess you have a faulty install disk–i just bet it won’t boot on
any computer…OR your disk player has gone on holiday (happens you
know) and no disk will boot from it…

look through these references and find the section(s) on how to make
sure you have downloaded a 100% perfect iso and burned a perfect
install disk

then, do this before install attempt, and
all should be well…

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]
I feel annoyed that I can’t put my wide range of languages on stupid
Facebook. For example, I speak Sarcasm, fluently spoken and written,
and Various Forms of Geek…

caf4926 wrote:
> How many files and folders do you see

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]
I feel annoyed that I can’t put my wide range of languages on stupid
Facebook. For example, I speak Sarcasm, fluently spoken and written,
and Various Forms of Geek…

well I was stupid enough to already delete Ubuntu…

and I can assure you that there are proper files.

To DenverD:

Well DVD -mechanic is fine. And downloaded .iso also…

Isn’t there any bug in bootloader in 11.3?

No Bugs

I guess you can’t boot Windows either then?

dawner wrote:
> and I can assure you that there are proper files.

best take that install disk to a different computer and see if it will

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]
I feel annoyed that I can’t put my wide range of languages on stupid
Facebook. For example, I speak Sarcasm, fluently spoken and written,
and Various Forms of Geek…

sorry, i hit send too soon!

dawner wrote:

> Well DVD -mechanic is fine. And downloaded .iso also…

i guess you know that because it will boot the Ubuntu disk, or the
Window disk…and, if you boot to either of those and then take a look
at your openSUSE boot disk, how many directors and files do you see in
the root?

> Isn’t there any bug in bootloader in 11.3?

11.3 has been out for months and it has constantly shown an ability to
boot a perfect install disk made from a perfect iso…

by the way, did you get your iso from
if not where did it??

CAVEAT: [posted via NNTP w/openSUSE 10.3]
I feel annoyed that I can’t put my wide range of languages on stupid
Facebook. For example, I speak Sarcasm, fluently spoken and written,
and Various Forms of Geek…

So, I tested DVD which I made in VirtualBox, and it booted without problems.
I was doing some stuff around, so I dled Ubuntu again, created bootable USB and tried if it was booted on startup of laptop=== and worked perfectly. Same with Fedora.
Either there is problem with boot initiation or my BIOS is ****ed up… I have no idea what can be wrong. I will post contents of DVD soon

It’s not unknown on odd occasion for it to be very difficult or even impossible to install an OS. It was a few months ago and I was installing Win7 for someone, we had a devil of a job. openSUSE on the other hand was a dream.

I don’t know … Such things not always get a clear explanation. I wasn’t able to boot 11.3 DVD on a machine either (which could boot everything else). And of course the DVD was fully OK an could boot on a dozen other machines. I ended up replacing the DVD drive on that machine. That you can not boot from USB might be another problem. There are always 2 problems.

Do you have more than one DVD installed? If so in some BIOS you have to choose the one that will be bootable.

Probably unrelated, but I’ll mention it just in case.

I took my DVD (which had worked on two computers), and tried to install on a work machine. The DVD wouldn’t even boot.

Then I remembered - this was an older machine that only had a CD drive, and couldn’t read a DVD.

Then I remembered - this was an older machine that only had a CD drive, and couldn’t read a DVD.

:slight_smile: That’ll be it

LOL :smiley:

Reminds me a few weeks ago I was reassembling my wife’s computer in one of these really small mini-atx cases and the machine wouldn’t stay on for more than a few seconds.

I was absolutely sure I had a heatsink problem, until I noticed the voltage selector switch in the PSU…