Installation and partition management questions

I have a Hitachi Travelstar 5K1500 1.50 terabyte SATA-3 6 GB/s 5,400 RPM 32 MB cache laptop hard disk drive. How do I install OpenSuSE 12.3 64 bit on it and expand the /home partition so it takes up most of the disk space and how do I shrink the /root partition down to 20 GB? Is it advisable to reduce the size of the /root partition below 40 GB while installing OpenSuSE 12.3 64 bit?

Confused…Have you already an installation or are you planning one??? Please try to give a bit more detail on what you have and what you want.

If you have a running install please show use (in code tags # option) the output of

sudo fdisk -l

note that is a lower case L not a one

I’m planning another installation on a different hard disk drive. I have an installation on my Crucial m4 SATA-3 128 GB solid state disk.

How do I expand the /home partition?

Still confusing. If the issue is that /home shoud have more space, create a partition on the 1.5TB disk, as large as possible, mount it under /mnt, copy over the contents of /home, logout, umount /home, use yast in the console to change the partition mounted on /home.

Still not clear. Do you plan to add a new drive then copy the partition??

If you want to expand a partition. first back up (things happen) then resize the partition using fdisk (or maybe yast). Then resize the file system (FS). Details depend on which file system you use.

The amount of space you need for root is dependent on what you use the machine for and what programs you use. 20-30 gig is plenty for most use as little as 15 if you don’t plan on have program installs.

I figured it out. I swapped my Crucial m4 with my Hitachi Travelstar 5K1500 and I resized my separated /home partition to use the maximum available disk space. I have 1.35 terabytes of available disk space in my /home partition and it’s encrypted. Thanks.