Install Zabbix 2.2.3 on OpenSuSE 12.3

Dear everyone,

I just received a project to install Zabbix 2.2.3 on OpenSuSE, then I try to read its documentation, but I really don’t understand much about it. Could anyone tell me more about that monitoring service? Especially I really want to know the pre-install packages (which packages of PHP, MySQL, Apache, Gcc[for installation from source code]), and other requirements related that enable OpenSuSE 12.3 can lunch Zabbix smoothly.

I am waiting for your reply.

Best regard,
Krang Keho

Did you search using ?
It looks as if some people did allready at least some of the work (and there is even an install available).

BTW it is openSUSE and not the camel back you try to make out of it :wink: