This is what has happened, twice.
I setup my server, as I would be operating it live, with the only difference being the final/live Static IP Address.
I ran it for two weeks, rebooting, testing and ensuring that it would work fine. Put it into production, it worked fine for roughly one week.
Then Wicked stopped working altogether. I wracked my head on it for a bit, before going back to the old server.
I then reinstalled the whole server, same settings, then ran all the updates and a test reboot, Wicked went down, exactly the same way. There had to be some update, that changed some setting, causing wicked to fail. This happened to the host server and it happened to the Virtual Machines running virtual NICs.
At that point, I tossed my hands up and started looking at other Distros. I can’t put into production a server that will lose network connectivity, for no grossly apparent reason, such as not even booting or full hardware failure.
To me, Wicked simply cannot be trusted.
I guess, for now, my option will be to install, switch from Wicked to Network Manager and then create a number of test guests that use Wicked and figure out why Wicked fails and if there is a way to automate checking and then automatically fixing itself. While doing this testing, I’ll be sure to take better notes and update this or create a new thread.