I have a home network and at the moment on my openSUSE server I have no internet connection because I can’t get My Netgear N600 Wireless to work. So I’m just going to order a supported wirelss card instead. But, for now, how can I update my server, is there to check for new updates online and download them?
How do I re-install without destroying my current /home folder, because I had to move my openSUSE HD to a different system and the Gnome graphics is not working properly.
Is it possible to just install the system and have it use the current /home?
On 07/06/2012 06:46 PM, VcDeveloper1 wrote:
> at the moment on my openSUSE server I have no internet connection
> … But, for now, how can I update my server . . .
since the server is not connected to the internet i can see no reason to
want to update it!
i mean the only reason to update a working server is to patch security
holes to keep the bad guys out–since the machine is not on the net,
they can’t get in…so, NO problem…
This is only temperary until my NIC arrives. Still need the info, especially re-installing because my server is on a different board and the graphics of Gnome is not functioning properlly.
Assuming your /home is on a separate partition it’s easy. Just pay attention and don’t use the partitioning being recommended by the installer. Go to the custom partitioning option and be sure that the current /home is not being formatted and is being mounted as /home. Reformat and/or reuse the other partitions as appropriate to your setup, and you should be OK.
I’m not near any Linux PC right now, so I’m sorry I can’t give you a step by step or screenshots right now, but you shouldn’t have any problems if you just use common sense and take your time. (backing up /home first is highly recommended just in case)
> instead. But, for now, how can I update my server, is there to check
> for new updates online and download them?
Quite complicated.
Easiest is to download the entire update repo for your architecture and
mirror it into an external drive which you can plug into your isolated machine.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
Cancel that!.. I found my solution to connecting to the internet…, in trying to configure ICS with my Vista Ultimate with no success, I tried bridging both NetGear N600 Wireless and the NIC with success. My server is back online! Now I can cancel ordering the Wireless Card! I’m a happy camper now!..
My network is like this now:
Server -------> (NIC) router (NIC) <------> Vista -----> (NetGear N600 Wireless) -----> Wireless Modem ----> Internet
Basically what I did to get my server back online is; my vista has a wireless adapter (NeGear) which connects to my wirless router in another room (The wireless Access Point) and a wired (NIC) which is connected to another router in my room along with my server. So in order for my server to connect to the internet I had to bridged the NetGear and NIC together. I couldn’t get ICS to work.
Just to increase your knowledge, there is no mount for* /swap* (well there could be, but it is very unlikely you have such a thing and when it would be there, it would be sometning different from what you think). There is a swap partition and it is used as swap space. That is all. There is no file system there and it is not mounted and there is no* /swap* directory as mount point on your system (check with* ls -l /swap* and compare with* ls -l /home*).