I would like to install the rescue system to a small separate partition such that I can boot it independently from my main system/bootloader.
Do you know of any guide for this? Have you done this before?
(Background: I just managed to break the shim+systemd-boot setup now supported by sdbootutil by my own script which fixed up systemd-boot with the shim which was necessary before which led the shim to run into itself which leads to scary SBAT error messages and is rather hard to recover from. I used the USB rescue image but having one on disk seems useful.)
If I want something like that, I usually just do a Tumbleweed install. And on the screen where it asks for desktop solution, I go with “Generic Desktop”. That gives me a basic system with the Icewm desktop.
Yes, I thought about that, too, the drawback is that then again, I would keep it up-to-date with zypper dup which will possibly break it again. The rescue system feels more like a constant and is probably still a lot smaller than an as small as possible TW install… Also, the rescue system has some scripts included to mount and chroot into the main system which I quite like…