Install Suse11.1 with nVidia card

I have a good stable working installation Suse 10.2 but is no longer supported.

I think it has been running maybe 3 years.

The graphics card is a nVidia Corporation
Model: GeForce 7600 GS

if I do a clean installation of suse 11.1 will I have problems with the graphics driver again, being a newbie, a friend sorted it last time.

Looking at the installation disk i could upgrade from 10.2?

Any advice would be appreciated


Install normally, do not bother about NVidia at first. After install and online update, start the software installer, Click Configuration, Repositories. Now you’re in the repo-manager. Click Add, click second option: Community Repo…, select NVidia, OK, OK, OK, import any GPG-keys asked for. Back in the software installer, you’ll see that the NVidia kernel driver is selected, plus some extra, including kernel-sources. Install everything, log out, hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, login as root, type ‘init 3’ and run ‘sax2 -r -m0=nvidia’. Follow instructions, Save, type ‘init 5’, login-screen will be back, login, done Can’t go wrong, still: Success !!


Thanks for that detailed reply.

Do you advise a new installation then rather than upgrade or dual boot using the MBR, so I have 10.2 and 11.1?

I would like to copy my home file complete with the hidden files to an external disk. The disk is formatted to vfat and I would like to format to ext3 or 50/50, it is 500G and I use it to transfer data to other computers using linux because of the permissions issue.
If formatted to ext3 and if I dropped the home folder on it, thus copying, could I copy it back when 11.1 was installed and have no permissions issues?


I use the following command to copy my home to the new hard disk. Use tar in order to maintain the owner, user permissions, and links:

cd /mnt/OLD/home
tar --numeric-owner -cpf - . | ( cd /mnt/NEW && tar xpvf - )

I’ve used it with ext2/3 but not with vfat.

Thanks for the reply.

Any advice on formatting the external drive please, maybe with 2 partitions and format one to ext3 and the other to vfat - if that is possible?



Am I running a security risk by still using 10.2?

I could use my lap top with 11.1 if that is the case.

Advice would be appreciated on all matters.


Do not backup (by just copying them) your files from any linux partition to a fat-formatted disk, use a linux file system as target partition.

Yes - thanks for reply. I was asking how to partition the 500GB ext disk, half vfat and half ext3. So windows could be used for half of the disk for data transfer.
