Install normally, do not bother about NVidia at first. After install and online update, start the software installer, Click Configuration, Repositories. Now you’re in the repo-manager. Click Add, click second option: Community Repo…, select NVidia, OK, OK, OK, import any GPG-keys asked for. Back in the software installer, you’ll see that the NVidia kernel driver is selected, plus some extra, including kernel-sources. Install everything, log out, hit Ctrl-Alt-F1, login as root, type ‘init 3’ and run ‘sax2 -r -m0=nvidia’. Follow instructions, Save, type ‘init 5’, login-screen will be back, login, done Can’t go wrong, still: Success !!
Do you advise a new installation then rather than upgrade or dual boot using the MBR, so I have 10.2 and 11.1?
I would like to copy my home file complete with the hidden files to an external disk. The disk is formatted to vfat and I would like to format to ext3 or 50/50, it is 500G and I use it to transfer data to other computers using linux because of the permissions issue.
If formatted to ext3 and if I dropped the home folder on it, thus copying, could I copy it back when 11.1 was installed and have no permissions issues?
Yes - thanks for reply. I was asking how to partition the 500GB ext disk, half vfat and half ext3. So windows could be used for half of the disk for data transfer.