Install problem with The Secret Chronicles of Dr.M

When i try to install The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M on openSUSE Tumbleweed x64 with KDE the terminal gives:

Problem 1: Nothing gives '' that is needed for tsc-2.1.0-5.91.x86_64 to be installed

Where can i find ‘’ ?

Please always post the complete promt command line, ALL output ad the next prompt line. Only so can we see exactly what you did and what you got. Now we have some snippet and no idea what produced it.

@moonsilver It’s failing to build with boost 86, 84 version is gone from Tumbleweed;

The header boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp was removed with boost 1.85.0, so needs patching…

Fix submitted Request 1201261: Submit tsc - openSUSE Build Service

How do i add that repo and install it? Didnt find anything on the openSUSE Build Service link.

The complete promt command line was:

sudo zypper install tsc

Problem 1: Nothing gives '' that is needed for tsc-2.1.0-5.91.x86_64 to be installed

Solution 1: Dont install tsc-2.1.0-5.91.x86_64

Solution 2: Break tsc-2.1.0-5.91.x86_64 by ignore some dependencies

@moonsilver You can only manually download as branches don’t publish with an openSUSE Build Service account…

It works, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

@moonsilver no probelm, once that SR gets accepted, should be able to switch back to the games repo version.

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