I have been using ubuntu installed using wubi and like it ok but I used suse many years ago and would like to ck it out again.
I downloaded the live cd and ran it. Worked well as far an internet hookup and hardware went but could not find anyway to get to any config info etc. I have used the kde4 and gnome desktop in ubuntu and had no such problem.
How do you get to any admin control etc. Read docs about yast but could not find it at all.
If I choose to install suse11 will it be a problem as I hve ubuntu installed in a virtual drive using wubi?
all the adminstration commands and options can be found in YaST. You can open YaST through the main menu, both in Gnome and KDE. All the major functions, such as the Package Manager (Software Management) and the Repositories. There is also an icon for “sys/config” which will have all the options in a tree and text format. And basically every YaST command can be used in the terminal with Zypper. For more information on Zypler, below is a link to the OpenSUSE Wiki Page for Zypper:
Gnome and KDE (give that you are using version 4.0.x and lower) are pretty stable in OpenSUSE 11.0. Of course, there are some bugs that have been found and some issues to be resolved, but besides minor errors, there are not that many major problems to speak of. The best way to keep Gnome and KDE stable is to use the supported repositories, rather than the development or UNSTABLE repositories. In case you decide to install Gnome 2.22.1, KDE 3.5.x or KDE 4.0.x: