install Message "0.004000 do_irq 1.55 no irq handler for vector" on boot from DVD

Installing Leap 15.0.1 on a Toshiba Laptop Model C 655D-S5300 Serial 9B090358Q (64 bit machine). The install goes well until the later part of the install when the video produces garbage on the display. Googling the issue imply’s that there seems to be an issue with the kernel default variables for the video on this particular motherboard. People say it has an odd video hardware setup. I’ve read that the Kernel can be altered to handle this issue but I don’t understand how to do this.

Suggestions would be appreciated.

Hard to say without knowing what video is in that box. You expect helpers to look this stuff up for you???

This appears to be ATI HD6310, Terrascale 2, Evergreen from 2009. I run Evergreen on one 15.0 system with no apparent video trouble.

If this is a BIOS laptop rather than UEFI, When the initial installation boot screen appears, select “Installation” with the cursor, then type in nomodeset, then ENTER. This will cause installation to proceed in a fallback mode designed for troubleshooting, After installation has proceeded to successful conclusion, if it does, then on a subsequent boot the inherited nomodeset will need ultimately to be removed from boot configuration via the config file /etc/default/grub. This can be done with YaST2 or a text editor, but YaST2 will perform a full update process, while a text editor change will require applying the change with the grub2-mkconfig command. Until nomodeset is removed, video performance will be drastically below par.

If this is a UEFI laptop, then instead of simply typing in nomodeset, you’ll first need to strike the e key to get the bootloader into edit mode. Then you’ll need to scroll down to the linux line and append nomodeset before continuing with F10 or Ctrl-X. From there the process is the same as with BIOS.

If nomodeset does not help and this is a BIOS laptop, then you may try various selections from the F5 key at the boot screen, or choose a text mode from the F3 key at the boot screen. Any of the options from F3 or F5 on a UEFI laptop would need to be typed in manually as with nomodeset.


Thank you for taking the time to respond to my inquiry. Responding to your comments. First the laptop is a BIOS type and not UEFI. Second using the “nomodeset” does not change the outcome in that the install hangs when it nears the end with garbage on the display. Using all the F5 and F3 choices results in the same outcome. Lastly doing a text install fails at the same point in the install, that is when the install reaches the end and attempts to write the configuration file. In addition when selecting a text install on the software install screen rather than a graphical one yield the same result when the install stops near the end as noted previously.

It seems clear that the root cause of the problem is the current kernel does not support the AMR Radeon HD 6250 graphics chip. The way forward, if there is one, is to search and find a source for the needed driver and include this during the initial install of leap 15.0.1. Thank you again for your interest.

Bummer. :frowning:

If you were to ask on the mailing list, one of the developers might recognize your problem and offer a cmdline option as a workaround. Maybe a search of that list archive could similarly provide a clue.

Those I’d wild guess while waiting for an answer:

hw_i2c=0 or hw_i2c=1
agpmode=0 or agpmode=1
fastfb=0 or fastfb=1
radeon.modeset=0 or radeon.modeset=1

Others, along with other radeon help, you can see listed on:


I have identified the toshiba laptop video hardware “Wrestler Radeon HD6310” which uses the driver **PALM_pfp.bin . **I notice that during the install process for leap 15.0 there is a screen that allows kernel modification. I’d like to know the best way to make the file available to the requested “/sys/bus/pci/drivers/PALM_pfp.bin/new_id” for use during the install process if this is possible.

I await a response for the mailing list on a work around.
