First, happy to be using OpenSuse. I am a long time user of Ubuntu/Mint but not technical to know what happens behind the code. I can be termed a casual-novice user who is just fascinated by Linux.
Second, the purpose of this thread requesting help from the group. I just installed OpenSUSE with Gnome on my windows 10 using Virtualbox. I want to install KDE as well - since I have 4GB DVD downloaded, is there a way I could install KDE from Gnome using the repositories in DVD? Appreciate the help.
The installation DVD should be listed in YaST->Software Repositories anyway. It might be disabled though, so check this.
If it is there, just insert the DVD, and it will be used as package source.
To install KDE, it should be enough to enter YaST->Software Management, click on “View”->Patterns and install the KDE pattern.
(all this can be done with zypper on the command line as well)
But in this case it probably doesn’t really make much sense to use the DVD.
There have been full KDE updates, the packages on the DVD are way outdated, you will have to download the updates anyway.
Though if you install from the DVD and then later update your system, only so-called delta RPMs are downloaded (which only contain the changes to the original packages), so the download will in fact be smaller. Hard to say how big the difference is though.