At what fase of the installation does this happen? And installation has many steps and we are not sitting behind you when you do the installation, thus a bit more detailed description could help.
i haw come a littel futer, i installet open suse 12,1 and then 12,3 as update system
the boatloader failt at the end of the update
i got the wirtual screem (black) from where i can logind as root and user, i can se my file system but i can not get to gui, is ther a command ?
On 2013-07-23 17:46, hhbuur wrote:
> i haw come a littel futer, i installet open suse 12,1 and then 12,3 as
> update system
> the boatloader failt at the end of the update
> i got the wirtual screem (black) from where i can logind as root and
> user, i can se my file system but i can not get to gui, is ther a
> command ?
I’m afraid we have a language barrier, I don’t understand your descriptions.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))
Your trial to post computer text in a readable form by using HTML tags is realy appreciated. But when you use the # button at the left of the <> button you will get CODE tags which is still better then HTML tags (as long as you do not post HTML code of course).
Never answer like this. It can’t be true. When I do it:
henk@boven:~> inet 5
If 'inet' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf inet
henk@boven:~> su -
boven:~ # inet 5
If 'inet' is not a typo you can use command-not-found to lookup the package that contains it, like this:
cnf inet
boven:~ # exit
In other words: you should allways show what you do and not say things like"does not provide any result". Let us come to our own conclusions.
And I may add that the suggestion was to do
init 5
and not what you did. (copy/psate is the best thhiing to doo to avoid typos).
ok ?
my pc i in a black screen white a cuerser, from where i can log in as user and as root and from ther i can se fil system, but i du not now haw to coppy tekst from my screem an post it in a forum, do you haw a solution for that. a command line ther will coppy and save a fill on a usb memori so i can use from a nother pc.
mvh hhb
On 2013-07-24 12:36, hhbuur wrote:
> ok ?
> my pc i in a black screen white a cuerser, from where i can log in as
> user and as root and from ther i can se fil system, but i du not now haw
> to coppy tekst from my screem an post it in a forum, do you haw a
> solution for that. a command line ther will coppy and save a fill on a
> usb memori so i can use from a nother pc.
> mvh hhb
Yes, you can copy/paste text with mouse between text consoles. You need
to start the service “gpm” first, which you need configure with YaST first.
Alternatively, you can redirect computer command output to files.
Alternatively, you can take photos.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))
When you post no step by step plan on how to start/configure gpm in a way that he can copy/paste his console output to a place where it is available for posting in the forums, I guess this answer is next to useless. It is like saying to someone who is drowning: “yes, you can throw a rope around a stump, when you have a rope.”
His second question was if it is possible to do this (redirecting to a file on an USB stick e.g.). Simple saying that that is indeed possible, is of nil value to him again.
OK, I do understand that it is difficult to copy/paste texts from your screen as long as you do not have a GUI avilable. But take care, saying that “no results” is no good alternative when there maybe an error message or such thing. Precise description is needed.
i downloade opensuse 12.3 to my pc burnd the iso 4x, the checksum is tested and ok, before installing i tested the media and et is ok, the forst thing i det whoes to install 12.3 but it failed so i installed 12,1 again and made a update whit the 12.3 dvd selected the update option in the opstart menu
> When you post no step by step plan on how to start/configure gpm in a
> way that he can copy/paste his console output to a place where it is
> available for posting in the forums, I guess this answer is next to
> useless. It is like saying to someone who is drowning: “yes, you can
> throw a rope around a stump, when you have a rope.”
I don’t have the resources at hand to make a detailed howto. However, if
the OP or somebody else shows interest, I can attempt to explain more -
and you know that.
> robin_listas;2574081 Wrote:
>> Alternatively, you can redirect computer command output to files.
> His second question was if it is possible to do this (redirecting to a
> file on an USB stick e.g.). Simple saying that that is indeed possible,
> is of nil value to him again.
I didn’t notice he said so. As I said before, I have problems
understanding him, there is a language barrier.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))
The problem here is that using that update option is only garanteed to function when youupdate from an up to date 12.2. Nevertheless it could work, but again I think it would be best if you had then at least a fully updated 12.1. Which you haven’t. Thus I think this path is full of uncertainties.
I am afriad I havve no easy solution here, but I think we must concentrate on the problem as you reported it in your first post here. I hope someone can shed light on this.
On 2013-07-24 16:36, hcvv wrote:
> I am afriad I havve no easy solution here, but I think we must
> concentrate on the problem as you reported it in your first post here. I
> hope someone can shed light on this.
AFAIK, when the message pops in the middle of install/upgrade, it means
that the DVD or the reader is faulty.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4, with Evergreen, x86_64 “Celadon” (Minas Tirith))