I just started with OpenSUSE last night, and now have had two application installs fail for the reason given in the title. One of the packages was Sun’s VirtualBox, which is prepackaged to install on OpenSUSE. So what can I do about this?
Oh, a little credit to OpenSUSE: I was testing my internet connection speed, and it is pretty quick under Windows, but a dog under Ubuntu (less than 25% as under Windows). So I checked around, decided to give OpenSUSE a chance, and it ran very fast (tied with the best under Windows). It also loads fast, installed quickly (though a bit hairy when it came to partition assignments), and so far it seems to be fine. But I got to get this issue with installs straightened out. I need Sun’s VirtualBox for the USB support it allows for the clients.
Must be a tough question. No replies yet. Or maybe somebody just thinks it is so obvious that I should jump right on it. Sorry, every environment is different, and I am new here.
Do I have to remove the existing Repository, or is there a way to tell the Install Software to just keep going? (I guess that is another way to reference YaST, which I haven’t dealt with before).
Oh, while I’m here. After a briet exposure to OpenSUSE, I think I might stick around for awhile. But I’m not used to so much green and black, and need to figure out how to change the color scheme a bit. On top of which having the windows bounce around and do odd things is a bit distracting. Any easy way to change all that? Just point me in the right direction if you want.
But I really need to move ahead and get Sun’s VirtualBox installed, so that I can move ahead in that area as well. So what to do about it reporting that the Repository already exists, and stopping before doing the install?
Actually, I don’t know how you can pick a repository out of the above, so maybe it is a process being referred to that is sending back the message. Some help, please?
Well, this might be progress of a sort. I found that YaST is actually a tool for getting to other things and places on the PC, and I tracked around in there until if found Repositories, and under Repositories I found PK_TMP_DIR, so it is an existing Repository and enabled. I didn’t see anyway to disable it, so I had to just delete it. Then I tried installing Sun’s version of VirtualBox again. This time something happened, or at least it did not indicate any errors, but it didn’t tell me anything when it ended either. So is it in or not, and where did it go?
I used whereis virtualbox, and it gives me two folders: /etc/lib/virtualbox and /etc/share/virtualbox. But how am I suppose to activate the program if it got installed? I’m still confused. Under Ubuntu, the download had to be compiled against the kernel, and I did find another post about using zypper in to get the needed source files, but nothing specific about what to do next. So some help would still be appreciated.
If virtual box is installed, it should be in the menu of applications. If you’re using KDE, just click on the kickoff icon at the lower left of your screen and type virtualbox in the search field.
Ah, found it. My last Google search was for OpenSUSE VirtualBox, and that took me to the Sun’s website, but to a page that shows all manner of additional packages to install. I could not get them all, and some apparently are needed for the guest to have access to things like a floppy or DVD drive. But I guess I won’t really know what I am missing until I move a couple of VDIs over and see how well they work in this environment. Thanks, people. Oh, and on the manner of changing the appearance and behavior of the windows a bit?
i got the same error while trying to install chrome…
I didn’t really have to do anything with the repositories.
Rather, I just tried installing it from the terminal by using :
zypper install google-chrome-stable_current_i386.rpm