Install error " Missing device for /boot/efi "

I’m trying to install Opensuse Tumbleweed in my new Laptop. I installed Windows 10 in a partition and now it’s OpenSuse turn. I created the root Parition and a swap parition, but it’s complaining with the error “Missing device for /boot/efi with size equal or bigger than 128MB and filesysem vfat”.

Here is my configuration so far:

Any help is really appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Add the mount point /boot/efi for partition nvme0n1p1.

It is hard to read that image.

I assume that’s the expert partitioner screen.

You need to configure “/dev/nvme0n1p1” to be mounted at “/boot/efi”. (Sorry, I might have that name wrong, because it is hard to read – but it is the second line on your screen image).

You might still get that message, because the partition is less than the 128M specified. But it should be large enough. In that case, you should be able to ignore the error and continue – and it should still install.

Thank you! I will try it.
One more question please, for the rest of free space (that last 147GB), I would like to create an NTFS partition (a D: disc), so windows could also access it, but I don’t seem to find NTFS as an option to create it. Isn’t it possible with OpenSuse Installer?
Thank you again!

Ok, it´s installed, thank you again for your help :slight_smile: !

I’m glad to hear that it is installed.

For that NTFS partition: you can create the partition with “fdisk” and leave it unformatted. Or create it as a FAT partition. Then, when you next boot into Windows, you can format it for NTFS.