I try to install Tumbleweed with encrypted partitions ( with LUKS) for system and data. I already did it on the same pc one month ago without any problems, but i broke the system so …
The problem i have is when i create a new partition in the installer, if I select it to be encrypted, when I validate the installer crash and I get a blue screen with a little text menu (Install, settings, reboot…), with something like “linuxrc” as a window title.
I tried with 2 different DVD iso (20190108 and 20190110) and also NET iso and I have the same behavior, so I suspect something is going wrong with the encryption part of installer, and the problem appeared less than 1 month ago.
I finally did an install without encrypted partition without problems.
I suppose I just have to wait until the problem is corrected in the next iso, but I would appreciate if you can confirm that I am not the only one in that case.
Thanks in advance,