Install crash when creating an encrypted partition


I try to install Tumbleweed with encrypted partitions ( with LUKS) for system and data. I already did it on the same pc one month ago without any problems, but i broke the system so …

The problem i have is when i create a new partition in the installer, if I select it to be encrypted, when I validate the installer crash and I get a blue screen with a little text menu (Install, settings, reboot…), with something like “linuxrc” as a window title.

I tried with 2 different DVD iso (20190108 and 20190110) and also NET iso and I have the same behavior, so I suspect something is going wrong with the encryption part of installer, and the problem appeared less than 1 month ago.

I finally did an install without encrypted partition without problems.

I suppose I just have to wait until the problem is corrected in the next iso, but I would appreciate if you can confirm that I am not the only one in that case.

Thanks in advance,

That’s possibly the same problem as in Bug 1121677.

Thank you for you reply nrickert,

Yes maybe the same bug, however in my case it seems to be directly related to encryption, as a normal install without encrypted partition works.

I will wait a little bit for the next snapshot to see if bug is corrected.


For me, it is hard to tell. I am using encryption. I wanted to install into an existing encrypted LVM. And the failure was with the expert partitioner. But it might have been the code that deals with the encryption that failed. And, yes, I did install successfully without encryption (in a different virtual machine). I did not use the expert partitioner for that, but I did use guided setup in the partitioner.