Install Clementine Player on openSUSE

I don’t know how to install clementine music player on open suse 11.4.
I downloaded RPM package for fedora but I cant install it.
Anyone know how?


why don’t you just use the packages available for openSUSE?

Welcome to the forums. Just to explain jovin’s suggestion. When you install openSUSE you are only subscribed to four repositories. If you follow the link in the Multimedia forum to install the codecs, you will be subscribed to some more. The only respositories that will appear in YaST>Software Management are the ones to which you are subscribed. So your first step, if you cannot find the program you want, is to do what jovin suggests. When you install the program, YaST will add the repository to which it belongs. Only if the program is not available in should you look for an RPM elsewhere - but always go for a generic one, not one packaged for another distribution.

Thanks, now its working :wink: