Instaliation problem. Error code -3008


I downloaded and burned on DVD this version of suse openSUSE-11.1-DVD-x86_64.iso
I have no problem booting from DVD and information collection process goes smooth till it get’s to formatting partitions. I use unpartitioned space of my hard drive. Setup detects it and creates partition for swap and two more for / and /home. But as soon as installation starts I get this error message:

"Failure occurred during following action:
Formatting partition /dev/sda5 (2.01 GB) with swap

System error code was: -3008

/sbin/mkswap ‘/dev/sda5’:
/dev/sda5: Device or resource busy"

After couple unsuccessful times to install I booted from Ubuntu 8.04 Live CD and formatted those partitions manually, but then I’ve got an error that it can’t mount “/” to that partition…

If anyone has any ideas how to make setup to format those partitions, please post here.
Any help appreciated.

any updates to this problem? I have exactly the same error…

same problem here.
Motherboard : supermicro X7DWT

Super Micro Computer, Inc. - Products | Motherboards | Xeon Boards | X7DWT

same here, i can not prevent running into ec 3008 - asus M2N68-VM + AMD Athlon 4050e

My solution to this problem was to overwrite the hard disk with 0. I think a low level format will work as well.