inslall "codec" suse studio

hi all
how to install “codec” in " suse studio" :expressionless: for" gnome" &" kde " ???

Which codecs to you want ?

Being NON-Technical, self finds using terminal commands safest way to avoid installing problems.


At terminal typing command: zypper lr -d
(L for list with lower case)
will show which repositories zypper will search for packages and updates.

At terminal typing command: zypper se -i codec
will list your installed codecs.

At terminal typing command: zypper se codec
will list all possible codecs, with on left an i for those already installed.

At terminal typing command: zypper info k3b-codecs
will show information about the k3b-codecs

NOTE: Root privileges are required to install or remove/uninstall packages.

To install use zypper in <what seek to install>

To uninstall use zypper rm <what seek to remove/uninstall>

IF you see warnings,

2 new packages to install, 940 to remove.
Overall download size: 1.2 MiB. After the operation, 2.1 GiB will be freed.
Continue? [y/[b]n/p/? shows all options] (y): **n**

recommend chose n (my bold) and seek advice before removing other parts !

Not sure does studio allow inclusion of packman packages.
In any case the propritary codecs come from packman. How to get to packman from studio I don’t know

The exact packages depend on the apps you plan to install. There is a difference between some KDE and gnome apps that use gstreamer. Gnome uses 1.0 versions and KDE use 0.1 versions. But this is only for programs that use the gstreamer backend

On Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:56:01 +0000, maxray wrote:

> hi all how to install “codec” in " suse studio" :expressionless: for" gnome" &" kde "
> ???
> [image:]

Within SUSE Studio? Add the packman repo, install whatever packages from
packman you need, build the appliance.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at

I don’t have experience with using studio either. They say they do

And there is the “SUSE Studio” forum under “Development”. Why didn’t you ask there?

On Tue, 26 Aug 2014 02:16:01 +0000, gogalthorp wrote:

> Not sure does studio allow inclusion of packman packages.
> In any case the propritary codecs come from packman. How to get to
> packman from studio I don’t know

Given that the top blog post once you authenticate to SUSE Studio is
“Packman repos fixed” (or something to that effect), I think it’s safe to
say that you can add packman packages to SUSE Studio appliances.

The package selection pages let you add repos.


Jim Henderson
openSUSE Forums Administrator
Forum Use Terms & Conditions at