inkscape: error while loading shared libraries:

on my laptop TUXEDO InfinityBook Pro running **leap 15.4 KDE Argon with these KDE repositries **
I was trying to use inkscape **Version:1.2.1-lp154.106.1
**installed from obs:// repository (switched system)
but it doesn’t works, so I tried to launch it from konsole getting this error:

pla@pla4-TW:~> inkscape inkscape: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

how can I use this version of inkscape?

See the comment from @goro is instaled at /usr/lib64/inkscape/
LD config is not covering this path.

yes but I don’t know what it means, shall I create a link of /usr/lib64/inkscape/ elsewhere?

Yes, the easiest temporary fix is to create a symlink…

ln -s /usr/lib64/inkscape/ /usr/lib64/

maaaanythanks, it works now