Information about Audio Problems in Kde and Firefox

Hello every body.
I’m using openSUSE 11.1 with KDE 4.2.2 and I’m never able to have audio working in a kde application and firefox at the same time.
Say, if I got firefox open with a flash video and I try to open amarok, I get a notification that audio in amarok is disabled.

Is this a widespread issue or is this a problem on my pc? Also ehat’s the remedy?

Install a supoorted Version of openSUSE, I would recomment openSUSE 13.1.

openSUSE 11.1 has reached end of life:

multi source is usually managed by pulse audio. If an audio source goes direct to the /dev (note that in Unix all things are files) then it will lock the device from others using it. So you need some software to manage this pulse audio is standard any more but there are others such as jack

Trouble is your OS is out of support thus you should really update.