Increase fonts on system quirks

Is there a correct way to increase the system fonts? I’ve gone into system settings > fonts and made my changes.

However I notice on my laptop in the yast control I am seeing tiny fonts that are hard to read. Likewise with OBS when it opens, everything is with very small font?

Is there a way to correct the font size?

I did find one way to fix this, and it was going to:
“display & monitor” > display configuration > Global scale

It did fix font size issues in other applications, but the font size in yast control is still not big enough. Also I don’t want to go any bigger on the global scale.

Are the any other options?

Before Plasma went to v6 there was qt5ct, which when used often produced undesirable side effects. Now we have both qt5ct and qt6ct. Possibly the unwanted side effects may be gone. You could give qt6ct a try. Use /usr/bin/qt6ct to define a larger font size.

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/usr/bin/qt6ct ot qt5ct doesn’t exist on TW

@devguy it does…

zypper se --provides /usr/bin/qt6ct /usr/bin/qt5ct

S  | Name  | Summary                 | Type
   | qt5ct | Qt5 Configuration Tool  | package
   | qt6ct | Qt 6 Configuration Tool | package

Ah ok thanks @malcolmlewis, I didn’t realize I had to install the package and that option didn’t occur to me. :joy:

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