I would kindly like to request the inclusion of the IPFS daemon in the openSUSE software repository. If possible IPFS should be made part of the Tumbleweed-OSS repository… until then it would be great if a home: repository may be created by any user interested in maintaining the software.
In a nutshell: IPFS (Inter Planetary File System) is an upcoming protocol for the web which aims to replace HTTP, potentially being one of the biggest revolutions coming to the internet. Instead of accessing a resource using the IP address of a centralized server on which it is hosted, you access it by using a hash which identifies that resource alone. The resource itself is not stored on any one server, but seeded by every machine accessing it (just like torrents). This will create an internet that is 1: Faster as each website is downloaded from people near you, 2: Resistant to censorship or failure induced by server downtime, 3: Involves zero hosting costs as websites are dynamically shared by those viewing them.
The protocol is still in an early stage but making fantastic progress! openSUSE can help users of the OS like myself to be part of this initiative more easily, by including the daemon in its software repositories for easy installation and staying up to date. This daemon is needed to support IPFS in browsers via their extension, and upload or download files with IPFS via console commands. The code is of course open-source, and can be found at the Github link I posted above… the community itself can be contacted at ircs://irc.freenode.org:6697/#ipfs