Improve my back up scripts

I have 3 scripts that I did :slight_smile: and am happy with as they work.
Make backup of moodledata

cp -R /srv/www/moodledata /backups/moodledatacopied/
tar -czvf /backups/moodledata/moodledata.tar.gz /backups/moodledatacopied/
mkdir -p /backups/moodledata/moodledata/`/bin/date +%Y/%b`
/bin/mv /backups/moodledata/moodledata.tar.gz /backups/moodledata/moodledata/`/bin/date +%Y/%b/moodledata_%d-%b-%Y.tar.gz`
rm -rvf /backups/moodledatacopied/

Make backup of moodlesoftwere

mkdir -p /backups/moodlesoftwerecopied/
cp -R /srv/www/htdocs/moodle /backups/moodlesoftwerecopied/moodle/
mkdir -p /backups/moodlesoftwere/
tar -czvf /backups/moodlesoftwere/moodle.tar.gz /backups/moodlesoftwerecopied/moodle/
mkdir -p /backups/moodlesoftwere/moodlesoftwere/`/bin/date +%Y/%b`
/bin/mv /backups/moodlesoftwere/moodle.tar.gz /backups/moodlesoftwere/moodlesoftwere/`/bin/date +%Y/%b/moodle_%d-%b-%Y.tar.gz`
rm -rvf /backups/moodlesoftwerecopied/

and make backup of moodle database.

/usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -p****** --opt moodle > /backups/mysql_backups/moodle/moodle.sql
/usr/bin/gzip /backups/mysql_backups/moodle/moodle.sql
mkdir -p /backups/mysql_backups/moodle/`/bin/date +%Y/%b`
/bin/mv /backups/mysql_backups/moodle/moodle.sql.gz /backups/mysql_backups/moodle/`/bin/date +%Y/%b/moodle.sql_%d-%b-%Y.gz`

These all work, and create the files in a back up directory. But once the site grows it will be to big to do full back ups daily.

How would i go about making incremental back ups of what i have?

The moodle softwere should not change that oftern.
But the moodle data will as will the mysql dump.



How about have the system automatically delete files that are older than X days?

For example;

find $BACKUP_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -ctime +$DAYS_TO_RETAIN -delete