I have tried everything! It really doesnt work!
I have an Acer TM4001WLMi Centrino with ATI Radeon Mobility 9700 w/64MB RAM.
It was working when i run OS10.3m but was not any good in 3D…But it worked stable.
Then i tried OS11 KDE3.5, then OS11.1 KDE4.1 and now KDE4.2.1, but no ATI-driver want work.
ATI v.8.x was completely trash. Now ATI is out with v9 and i get KDE Desktop up running, but after some few minutes (2-3min) og freeze and i have to use power-switch.
I got tired om this problem and now tried (svearing in church) Ubuntu 8-10 Live, but it also freeze in GUI.
I have OS11.1 still installed, but the the ATI-driver is compiled into the kernel and cmd;
sax2 -r -m 0=vesa
Doesnt help me now.
How can i get back “vesa”? If i uninstall the Ati-driver, it also remove Sax2. It is working in vesa but only on 1024x769. I have 16:10 screen 1280x800 so it looks i little strange, but it is working.
What a h… is wrong with Radeon 9600/9700 ???