Import Wallet into KWallet version 5 in Plasma 5


I recently startet my system and found, that KWallet does not open my wallet anymore. I checked if the wallet file was there but could not see a kwallet5 file in ~/.local/share/kwalletd/ and no kwallet4 file in ~/.kde4/share/apps/kwallet/ .

My system now (in Feb. 2017) is Leap 42.2 and i did an upgrade from 42.1 in Dec 2016. During the upgrde, the old kwallet4 files seemed to be imported correctly as i was able to use it for more than two months. Only last week, the problem appeared.

I have backuped the wallet files before the upgrade. Unfortunately i did not backup the corresponding salt files (were there any on kwallet4?) So i tried to import the backup. However, this did not work. The password was not accepted. I tried to place the wallet file into the kwallet5 wallet folder but again could not open the wallet. I was asked for the password but it was not accepted. I am pretty sure (98% :slight_smile: ) the pasword i entered is correct.

I have a dual boot system with 13.1 on an other HD. So i entered opensuse 13.1 and tried to import the wallet file into this older kwallet system. Did not work either. I am not sure if it was an authentication error or thistime the version was said to be incompatible. Cant recall at the moment.

I did an XML export of the old wallet in 13.1 an later on imported it into kwallet on leap 42.2. But this wallet file is way to old, most of the passwords were chenged in the meantime. So i am still kind of lost.

Does anybody have a hint or can give me a link to a resource that might help me solve that problem of Kwallet import in kwallet5 under KDE Plasma 5?

Thanks in advance.

guess here: in plasma if you place the old wallet in the kde4 location the migration wizard will run on startup and create a new one in the kde5 location.

i did so and in kwallet5rc i set the “migration-done” (or so) flag to “false”. I signed out and signed in again, started kwallet5 but no migrations happened… I dont have kwallet4 on the system anymore. Maybe it is required for the migration?


Try to delete kwallet5rc and ~/.local/share/kwalletd/ completely (or better rename them just in case, the latter in particular) and immediately logout/in. Then the migration should run in any case the next time kwallet5 is used.

But if you don’t have the .salt files any more as you write in the first post, I doubt it will be possible to open the wallets at all unfortunately. They were used in KDE4 already too, and are necessary to decrypt the wallet AFAIK.

I dont have kwallet4 on the system anymore. Maybe it is required for the migration?

You likely do have it.
It is part of the package kdebase4-runtime.

i can not fiond this file. all i find is the file kwalletrc in ~/.config


kwalletrc should not even be in ~/.local/share/kwalletd/, it should be in ~/.config/.

And yes, kwallet5rc was wrong, sorry. I meant the former, i.e. ~/.config/kwalletrc .
But I copy/pasted that file name from your post… :wink:

yes, i corrected myself.

yeah, the naming is kind of confusing.

I deleted the files, logged of and on again but no migration job was run. All Wallets were empty. So i undeleted the deleted folders for restore.

I guess im done with trying to get my backup kwallet restored. As i dont have the salt it wont work. I am wondering, why i was not aware that i have to backup the salt files too when doing a wallet backup. To bad. Next time i simply go for the “export encrypted” button in the menu.

bye and thanks so far!