Implimentation of brave new trusted boot

already fedora making it into the their 38 v of fedora release and it will be in 2phase 1st phase will be in 38 and 2nd in 39.
i what this to be in opensuse also can be implemented in opensuse??

Then help openSUSE to implement it. Or wait until someone will need it bad enough to implement.

Posting here, in user forum, won’t magically make it happen.

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Yet again (sigh…) you seem to want something implemented in openSUSE, either because you personally believe it should be, or, because other distribution(s) have implemented it.

If you are so dissatisfied with what openSUSE provides, why do you continue to use it?

If those other distribution(s) you constantly compare to have what you seem to want, why not use those?


And the topic opener seems not even have read the whole thread on the Fedora dev ML.
It is not even settled that this feauture will be implemented in Fedora 38.
And again there is only a really limited usecase for this new feauture proposal, as it is only targeted for x86_64 Virtual machines as the implementation for bare metal would be hard and complicated.
So this is only binding already limited developer ressources and time…

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i have not asked for now but it can be considered for better security