Latest openSUSE Tumbleweed snapshot introduced a major issue at least with the amdgpu module: When running some programs (apparently 3D engines primarily) the image will often freeze on the screen and never unfreeze. Before fully freezing, some windows still work but their contents appear black and in one case I got corrupted squares all over it. I can always move the mouse pointer and everything else appears to be working in the background, it’s seemingly just a graphical glitch.
If I kill X11 to log out then back in, I notice KWin will not start up… things are only back to normal if I do a full restart. It doesn’t make any difference whether desktop effects are on or off either. Anyone else getting this and know if a bug report is open?
Got a little hint: The graphical corruption involving little squares seems to occur while the GPU is working hard. Just had it happen now in Blender but there was no permanent breakage: Once the GPU stopped being stressed the glitches went away. The real issue is that sometimes, whether this is the cause or not, parts of the desktop become permanently corrupted even after I close the intensive app and GPU usage goes back to normal.
More confirmation that it’s driver related: I had Blender causing the issue again except this time, the entire system froze and the computer automatically restarted! Most likely an update to Mesa or amdgpu causes it to overuse or overheat the graphics card (it does reach +90C* when this occurs). Can a mod please move this to the Hardware section now that this aspect is known?