I'm trying to install an RPM, but I'm getting this error: Problem: 1: nothing provides

I had an issue with the Yast Active Directory Domain Controller on Tumbleweed. I submitted a bug to bugzilla, and they said:

If you want to run an ADDC on TW, you should be using the Heimdal builds from

There was an ADDC package and a library package.

I downloaded them, and ran the following:

tony@localhost:~/Downloads> sudo zypper install samba-ad-dc-libs-4.19.5+git.342.57620c4f7e-1.63.x86_64.rpm
[sudo] password for root:
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Resolving package dependencies…

Problem: 1: nothing provides ‘libLIBWBCLIENT-OLD-samba4.so(SAMBA_4.19.5_GIT.342.57620C4F7E1.63SUSE_OS16.9_X86_64_SAMBA4)(64bit)’ needed by the to be installed samba-ad-dc-libs-4.19.5+git.342.57620c4f7e-1.63.x86_64
Solution 1: do not install samba-ad-dc-libs-4.19.5+git.342.57620c4f7e-1.63.x86_64
Solution 2: break samba-ad-dc-libs-4.19.5+git.342.57620c4f7e-1.63.x86_64 by ignoring some of its dependencies

Choose from above solutions by number or cancel [1/2/c/d/?] (c): c

I also ran the RPM for the ADDC app, and got similar results.

I also found this .repo, and placed is in /etc/zyyp/repos.d, but after I updated the software manager, my search finds nothing.

In order to update it, I ran:

sudo yast online_update.

Want more strange stuff?

The repo shows up in the list of repo’s.

Instead of downloading random packages you’re best off downloading repo files for the locations that provide those rpms, if standard repos can’t actually provide what you need. It appears this may be the applicable repo for your current situation. Visit here to confirm, and if so, save that repo file to /etc/zypp/repos.d/, then zypper ref and try to zypper install those packages.

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You may shorten the command as follows:

erlangen:~ # zypper install samba-ad-dc-libs
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
'samba-ad-dc-libs' is already installed.
No update candidate for 'samba-ad-dc-libs-4.19.5+git.342.57620c4f7e-1.2.x86_64'. The highest available version is already installed.
Resolving package dependencies...
Nothing to do.
erlangen:~ # 
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Yeppers! That’s the correct repo, thanks!

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