I'm puzzled!!!

Hi All, this is not a big emergency, but I’m puzzled and have not been able to find a solution.

Everytime I empty the trash through Dolphin I get the following error after it’s done:

The file or folder /home/me/.local/share/Trash/files/xcopy32.mod does not exist.

The files are removed so it’s not a problem it’s just a nuisance.

I have OpenSuse 11.1 and KDE 4.2.1

If anyone of you can shed some light I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

I guess that Dolphin expects the file xcopy32.mod to be in that directory. I checked my machine and I don’t have it. I use kde 4.1(on suse 11.1). Try to see if the entire path exists.


from your home directory try:

ls .local/share/Trash/info

that maybe where your problem lies.

Good luck,

Thank you very much.

I went inside that directory and there were a boat load of .info files. I would remove the one that it would complain about and then it would give me the error for the next in list. I ended up clearing that directory and everything is fine.

As a test I wanted to see if those files would get deleted correctly when I empty the trash and they do. I must’ve delete those files through the command prompt so probably no code would’ve triggered to clear the info directory.

Thank you again one less thing to worry about. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Take care,