I just want to say “hi” to everybody
I am one of the “often linux distro switchers”, but I think now I found the right for me (after fedora, ubuntu, debian, gentoo)
My last distro was (guess it) Ubuntu.
It wasn’t that bad and I used it for a time, but since I have a notebook I god system freezes, display stripes and slow performance, too. I tought this shouldn’t be a hardware problem because vista was running fine so far. Well I tought giving openSuse a try and its one of the best linux system so far!
No more “lags” like in Ubuntu, and no system freeze (so far).
Okay I had to add nohz=off as boot option because of kernel tickless problems, but this isn’t openSuse faults its a general fault of the kernel itself for some notebook owners (like me).
Well I hope I will enjoy the time here and I hope the community will me help out some times
(Well I will try to help at least)
Hehehe I’m a bit of a distro switcher myself, I use a couple like Mandriva on my laptop and LinuxMint on another machine, but my main has opensuse and it runs smooth. I’m a bit of a newbie to the community, but welcome anyways.rotfl!
I just switched from Ubuntu myself. After upgrading to 8.10 my laptop wouldn’t boot without random keypresses during the boot process whenever it would stop (doesn’t make sense I know), and I’d been kind of itching for a change anyway.
Interestingly, the openSUSE 11.1 beta with the .27 kernel required the same treatment during boot, so I’m a little nervous that it’s something in the .27 kernel, and I’ll eventually have that problem no matter what distro I stay with.
In any case, I’ve played with 11.0 and 11.1b4, both GNOME and KDE over the past few days, and although I’ve had a few hiccups getting used to things that are different, there’s just something about openSUSE that makes me think I’ll be happier here than Ubuntu. Yast is fabulous for one thing, and I like the GNOME customizations quite a bit. I also have this irrational feeling of “crispness” or “professionalism” which is probably just proof that the guys who do graphic design and beautification work for openSUSE are doing their job well – but it works on me!
Also, and I suppose this will change if openSUSE gains the kind of popularity that Ubuntu has, I like that the community is active, yet small enough that the “new posts” button doesn’t spit out thousands of new posts at me every day, and I can actually take the time to read all the ones that might interest me.
So yeah, I’m with ya. It’s nice, and I’m surprised it’s not talked aobut more than it is. I certainly don’t feel I left anything behind with Ubuntu. (Well, my IR remote doesn’t work anymore, but it was spotty under Ubuntu anyway… ;))
I am a new Linux user after XP pro spat the dummy and after a few years of small time playing and watching Linux from a distant (DistroWatch.com: Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux, BSD.).
I decided after a hard drive fail to completly drop XP could not afford Vista 64bit $250-450 NZ and wanted a 64bit operating system openSUSE took my liking I have installed and very impressed so far
It has taken a bit to get used to (only been playing for one week) using forums on a few problems I amd thinking of changing all of my servers to Linux now to.
Good to hear your first experiences with openSUSE are good. There is much to love. The biggest thing is finding your way in translating a task you did or do on Windows back to Linux. Sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it needs some more searching and asking around. These forums are a good place to get your answers!
Take care not to take on too much at once, as for the servers - change em one at a time until you feel all is running like it should.
Thanks for the welcome
Its nice to know and feel welcome especially coming from a windows environment to Lunix theirs a lot to learn and nice to know some people will offer help when needed
I’m yet another Windows convert, and all I can say is (so far) I absolutely love (is that too strong of an emotion for an operating system?) openSuse. I have played with various Linux distros (mainly Fedora and Ubuntu) using virtual machines, but I never thought my Sony Vaio would possibly work with Linux as a primary OS. Joke’s on me.
Other than a little mouse tweak for Synaptics, and a Firefox tweak for Hotmail, it loaded 100% clean. And I didn’t have to install a gazillion garbage Sony drivers to make it all work. Oh wait…I’m still trying to resolve the webcam issue and function keys.
The best part of Linux/open-source is the community. I don’t hate Microsoft. I even interviewed with them two weeks ago. The ASP.NET forums have good backing, but for general OS, etc., there is nothing like open-source. Thanks for the great work, and hopefully I can contribute.
Did you know the NZ Education system had, prolly still has, a contract with SUSE to put SUSE into schools, but because we allow the schools control over their IT they prefer to waste money putting Apple and Windows into the schools. It is really a shame when you consider that schools are crying over wanting more funding for IT, yet they go out and purchase the most expensive operating systems they can, that need constant babysitting to keep running