Ifup produces no wireless connection

I recently lost wireless connectivity on my laptop after it had been working well since first installing 11.1. I thought it may have been related to a Networkmanager bug that others have experienced, but after having no success connecting with ifup I’m not so sure.

My Yast => Network Devices => Network Settings Global Options tab has “Traditional method with ifup” checked, “Enable Ipv6” unchecked, “Request broadcast” unchecked, “Change default route via DHCP” checked and set to “auto”.

From the terminal I run:

sudo /sbin/ifconfig wlan0 down
sudo /sbin/dhclient -r wlan0
sudo /sbin/ifconfig wlan0 up
sudo /usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 essid "Green_Acres"
sudo /usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed
sudo /sbin/dhclient wlan0

The last command, /sbin/dhclient/wlan0, produces when it completes its process:

No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

The command /usr/sbin/iwconfig produces, in addition to the usual,this little nugget:

Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.437 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated

According to lwfinger’s sticky the MAC address should appear in the location of “Access Point Not-Associated”. EPIC FAIL

Reading through dmesg I’ve found:

b43legacy-phy0 warning: Unexpected value for chanstat (0x7C00)
wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92 try 1
wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92 try 2
wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92 try 3
wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92 timed out
wlan0 direct probe responded
wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92
wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92
wlan0: authenticate with AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92
wlan0: authentication with AP 00:18:39:dc:06:92 timed out

My laptop has a small switch on the bottom right hand corner for turning the wireless on/off. The indicator light used to be on or off according to its status when I ran Windows. After installing SUSE that never worked. In fact, I don’t think I ever checked the switch to see if it worked under SUSE. Maybe it’s working and switched off? I keep clicking and testing, but nothing seems to change, so I think not. Maybe it’s broken? Can this be determined from the info I’ve provided here?

Other relevant specs to my circumstances can be viewed in another thread I started
Wireless not working on HP ze4500 laptop - openSUSE Forums

Any ideas, suggestion, solutions out there?

Never use ‘ifup’ on a laptop. You may get it configured for working at home, but the Networkmanager is needed to connect to other networks. So, revert the ‘ifup’ option to Networkmanager
Next, use the kde4 networkmanager. It’s a widget you can add to the panel. From there you can add networkconnections to be managed by the networkmanager. Works great for me.

How/where does one get this kde4 network manager? All I can find is kde3 manager. Are you talking about “Networks” in the add widget screen? I think I installed that but can’t find it anywhere. Laptop/64bit/OS11.1/KDE4
