IceWM TaskBar text no longer visible after latest update

After patching my system today, applications on my IceWM taskbar now display icons without the accompanying text. I believe the relevant setting is:

~/.icewm/prefoverride: ColorNormalTaskBarAppText = “rgb:00/00/00”

Changing this has no effect. I suspect that the font may be missing.

The taskbar text of active apps is also not visible.

I rarely use Icewm with 15.3. So I logged in, and I am seeing a similar problem.

A bug report would seem appropriate. And please post the bug number for other forum users to see.

I had the same problem after upgrading from Leap 15.2 to Leap 15.3. I opened ~/.icewm/theme and commented out the selected theme. Then I rebooted and the problem was gone. The theme I commented out was :

# Theme="zpaker/default.theme"

Thanks. I’m not sure how to go about submitting a bug report.

Try this link:

openSUSE:Submitting bug reports

The password that you use for opensuse forums should work for bugzilla.

Thanks. There’s no ~/.icewm/theme in my installation, but this got me on the right track.

Simply selecting another theme from the IceWM menu did the trick. No need to reboot or even restart IceWM. There was a bit of a challenge knowing which menu item to click, since the text had disappeared. Fortunately I had another, unpatched machine to consult.

I would post the URL to an image showing the visible menu text but the forum appears to prevent this.

All the themes besides ‘zpacker’ appear to function correctly.

I’m not able to log into the OpenSuse Bugzilla using my forum credentials. But I tried. So somebody over there presumably now has my password to this portal. Just think of the power!

Looks like a bugzilla is already created for this:

That’s just another. 1195328 – [Build 20220129] Font issue: icewm session shows no fonts when google-droid-fonts installed is 3 weeks older, has multiple dupes, and is reported against TW, rather than SLE.

Bugzilla is the working name of any web site that runs Bugzilla software. The URLs here represent individual bug reports. $SUBJECT has had several reports filed, and has had multiple reports dup’d to the first report.

Incidentally, this problem is now fixed. And “Icewm” update showed up this morning.