IcedTea stops update - What next?

Have three TW updating, no. 1 already crashed (reinstalling from scratch currently), because icedtea-web- stopped the install of updates. Tried to stop and restart update, but the removal of the old version of icedtea failed, sometinh with “…lock device not available”. After reboot the machine hung at starting DBus. So I decided to do a fresh install.

Second machine is hanging at the same step, what next?

Third machine will reach the same point soon.

Biggest TW update disaster here ever.

…system still hangs at 100% while installing icedtea, any ideas what to do next?

Do you need it?

I’m writing this on the machine. So: yes…

But what do you use it for… I don’t have it installed, no need for a java plugin…

OMG, you mean icedtea? No idea what it is. but as zypper hangs I have no choice at this time…

Icedtea is the open source Java code interpreter

Use rpm or zypper to uninstall it and see how it goes.

If I interrupt zypper (CTRL+C) it exits gracefully. When trying to resume zypper shows the remaining updates, I confirm installation with “y”, zypper finds the updates cached, checks for conflicts and wants to remove the old version of icedtea andd throws an error that some zypper…lock blabla as some device is not available. At this point I did a reboot with the first machine, which never came back after reboot (and is currently dead after a new installation of TW, as I reach the login but apparently at that stage the graphics card dies away).

Big mess here. I’m a little tired…

So use some additional verbosity and force;

zypper -vvv rm -f icedtea-web

it was not -f but force instead. Result (told you so):

“Removal of …icedtea-web- failed:
Error: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: can’t create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Resource temporarily unavailable)”

Next try?

Same in Yast: “Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: can’t create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Resource temporarily unavailable)”

If I do a “zypper dup” at this point, after check for conflicts I get the same “lock (not available)” eror, if I press i for ignore, the same error pops up for the next package. I’m a little lost. A reboot after some 1200 updates and 782 to do will definitely kill this system, too…

System hasn’t come up read-only? Disk space ok?

What’s the output (as root user);

su -
ls /var/lib/rpm/
ps -ef | egrep "rpm|zypper"

2.3 GB free on root. It’s a Intel SSD with 120 GB, SMART looks good so far.

ls /var/lib/rpm/
.rpm.lock     Filetriggername  Packages       Sigmd5
Basenames     Group            Providename    Suggestname
Conflictname  Installtid       Recommendname  Supplementname
Dirnames      Name             Requirename    Transfiletriggername
Enhancename   Obsoletename     Sha1header     Triggername

 ps -ef | egrep "rpm|zypper"
root      4733  4684  0 00:17 pts/0    00:00:00 grep -E --color=auto rpm|zypper

Wanted to delete some logs etc to get some extra space but root dolphin simply dies away after entering the root password…

Sorry, was on the wrong machine

ls /var/lib/rpm/
.rpm.lock     Enhancename      Name          Recommendname  Suggestname
Basenames     Filetriggername  Obsoletename  Requirename    Supplementname
Conflictname  Group            Packages      Sha1header     Transfiletriggername
Dirnames      Installtid       Providename   Sigmd5         Triggername

ps -ef | egrep "rpm|zypper"
root     36871 36836  0 00:30 pts/4    00:00:00 grep -E --color=auto rpm|zypper

Without changing ANYTHING I tried again to restart zypper dup and this time the update started (after downloading some new packages…). Hope this will end good this time.

The third machine did some 3100 zypper dup updates without any errors… I’m done for to today, will try to solve the AMD GPU problem tomorrow, need some sleep now.

Many thanks for the support!

So are you using sudo for the update, or ensuring your really root user via su - (no just su)?

On Fri 15 Feb 2019 11:46:03 PM CST, suse rasputin wrote:

Without changing ANYTHING I tried again to restart zypper dup and this
time the update started (after downloading some new packages…). Hope
this will end good this time.

The third machine did some 3100 zypper dup updates without any
errors… I’m done for to today, will try to solve the AMD GPU problem
tomorrow, need some sleep now.

Many thanks for the support!

That’s a lot of updates… guess you missed a couple of snapshots…

Cheers Malcolm °¿° SUSE Knowledge Partner (Linux Counter #276890)
SLES 15 | GNOME Shell 3.26.2 | 4.12.14-25.28-default
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Yeah, that’s a TW on a USB-drive, but that worked fine! The one’s that failed had significantly less updates to do… Very strange that 2 machines struggled with the same update.

I had the very same error on one machine 1 week ago, but a reboot after aborting zypper dup came back fine.

The next two TW installs in the family hang at “100%” while zypper dup tries to install icedtea. UN-BE-LIEVABLE…