
I bought a new USB Bluetooth Dongle to apply in my openSUSE 11.1 system.

Now, when I restart the PC (and immediattly before the logon screen), I get the following error:

Could not create ICE listening socket
Cannot establish any listening sockets

then when I press the OK button, I get the following:
ICE Listen for connection did not return a local listener

After I press the OK button, I can logon normally.

Could it be from the new USB BT dongle adapter?

What is ICE? What does ICE mean?

Thank you all.

ADFC wrote:

> I bought a new USB Bluetooth Dongle to apply in my openSUSE 11.1
> system.
> Now, when I restart the PC (and immediattly before the logon screen), I
> get the following error:
> “-Could not create ICE listening socket
> Cannot establish any listening sockets-”
> then when I press the OK button, I get the following:
> “-ICE Listen for connection did not return a local listener-”
> After I press the OK button, I can logon normally.
> Could it be from the new USB BT dongle adapter?
> What is ICE? What does ICE mean?

Are you using Gnome?

There is an open bugzilla for this:

Bug 476821 - ICE fails to create Listening Socket

BTW, its seems something related to network services…



Hello Camaleón!

Yes, I’m using Gnome.
My computer is a Toshiba Laptop U400-15E running an openSUSE 64bit Gnome operative system.

I now realize that it is an intermittent problem (it doesn’t always happen - I don’t know why).

I agree with all of Jim Omura’s observations, but in my case the error occurs before the LogOn screen!

Do you know what ICE is for?

Thank you again!

ADFC wrote:

> I agree with all of Jim Omura’s observations, but in my case the error
> occurs before the LogOn screen!

As per comment #8 it seems to be a problem with session manager to properly

Keep watching that bugzilla for any patch they may release.

> Do you know what ICE is for?

True is not O:-)

Well, Wikipedia has more info:

ICE - Inter-client communication


