May 31, 2009, 12:09am
I bought a new USB Bluetooth Dongle to apply in my openSUSE 11.1 system.
Now, when I restart the PC (and immediattly before the logon screen), I get the following error:
“Could not create ICE listening socket
Cannot establish any listening sockets ”
then when I press the OK button, I get the following:
“ICE Listen for connection did not return a local listener ”
After I press the OK button, I can logon normally.
Could it be from the new USB BT dongle adapter?
What is ICE? What does ICE mean?
Thank you all.
May 31, 2009, 12:20pm
ADFC wrote:
> I bought a new USB Bluetooth Dongle to apply in my openSUSE 11.1
> system.
> Now, when I restart the PC (and immediattly before the logon screen), I
> get the following error:
> “-Could not create ICE listening socket
> Cannot establish any listening sockets-”
> then when I press the OK button, I get the following:
> “-ICE Listen for connection did not return a local listener-”
> After I press the OK button, I can logon normally.
> Could it be from the new USB BT dongle adapter?
> What is ICE? What does ICE mean?
Are you using Gnome?
There is an open bugzilla for this:
Bug 476821 - ICE fails to create Listening Socket
BTW, its seems something related to network services…
May 31, 2009, 1:30pm
Hello Camaleón!
Yes, I’m using Gnome .
My computer is a Toshiba Laptop U400-15E running an openSUSE 64bit Gnome operative system.
I now realize that it is an intermittent problem (it doesn’t always happen - I don’t know why).
I agree with all of Jim Omura’s observations, but in my case the error occurs before the LogOn screen!
Do you know what ICE is for?
Thank you again!
May 31, 2009, 1:49pm
ADFC wrote:
> I agree with all of Jim Omura’s observations, but in my case the error
> occurs before the LogOn screen!
As per comment #8 it seems to be a problem with session manager to properly
Keep watching that bugzilla for any patch they may release.
> Do you know what ICE is for?
True is not O:-)
Well, Wikipedia has more info:
ICE - Inter-client communication