Im trying to find out how to install a 32 bit layer in Suse like I you do in Ubuntu. I saw the package ia32el in the repos but after installing it I still cant run a couple of 32 bit games, Second Life is the one I am trying to get going mainly.
Open Yast and select Software Management. Under View select Patterns and choose “32-Bit Runtime Environment”, click “Accept”.
You can also do this using zypper:
sudo zypper install -t pattern 32bit
This should give everything you need. You may not need all to run Second Life, if you run it from the command line the error output should show what libraries you need.
Ahh awesome thankyou! I have an aversion to terminal so am happy to just do 1 big 32 bit layer install if it means I dont have to fiddle and find packages later ^^