I must confess that I’ve never liked kdepim4 as much as kdepim3. KDEPIM3 was mature, worked well and wasn’t missing features like kdepim 4 was. So for the last few years I’ve installed Opensuse 13.1, added KDE3 and removed enough of kdepim4 that I could run KDEPIM3 in KDE4 without confusing it when I ran KDEPIM3. When my 13.1 desktop computer failed, I thought I’d try Kontact5 which comes with Opensuse 42.2. I think I’ve given Kontact 5 a fair trial, and I find it quite deficient compared to KDEPIM3. For example, Kontact 5 doesn’t have distribution lists, instead of an address book with categories I end up with multiple address books, and there’s no facility to merge contacts.
I’m not knocking those of you who prefer kontact5, but I would like to know what I need to do to remove every unneccesary vestige of kontact5 and go back to my KDEPIM 3; I’ve already installed KDE3 and KDEPIM3 works just fine if I boot to KDE3.I’d rather not do that - I;d sooner just start 42.2 normally and then use kdepim3 for mail,news, and kagregator. So can someone tell me what I can remove from opensuse 42.2 to accomplish this?