I uninstalled YaST and i want to reinstall it

Hi… i have opensuse 11.0.
During an update YaST told me that there was a conflict between the patch downloaded and some packages installed.
I could choose not to install the new patch (that was related to softwaremgmt) or uninstall some packages.
I chose to uninstall some packages…and now, after reboot, YaST isn’t in my system.
by typing “yast2” with superuser, it tells me “command not found”.

I want to reinstall YaST, from the DVD or from the web, what can i do?

Thank you all

zypper in -t pattern yast2_basis sw_management

a similar thing happened to me too. yast2 was uninstalled.
but yast was still there
that is, the one which i can run from a terminal not the full fledged gui.
try using that

Linux9000:/home/stefano # zypper
bash: zypper: command not found

i think that zypper has been uninstalled too…

Linux9000:/home/stefano # yast
bash: yast: command not found

Well that makes it all a little trickier, you could theoretically install it via rpm, I doubt that has been uninstalled :slight_smile:

You could install via the net with the rpm like this:

rpm -i  http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/i586/zypper-1.0.2-1.5.i586.rpm

You’ll most likely need to grab some dependencies to go along with it (such as libzypp, satsolver-tools etc.) of course if you have the installation media, you could insert it, then mount it and go to the suse/i586 folder and manually install the files from there. It might be a little tricky. You could also use the installation media and repair function to restore the tools.

Stupid retard forum software automatically urlifies the link. Brr…

Linux9000:/home/stefano # rpm -i http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/i586/zypper-1.0.2-1.5.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
	libzypp.so.523 is needed by zypper-1.0.2-1.5.i586


Yes as I said you’ll need to pick the dependencies, such as libzypp satsolver etc. and add them to that rpm line - you need to look up the filenames.

So the line is rpm -i <url> <url> <url>

For example:

rpm -i http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/i586/zypper-1.0.2-1.5.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/i586/libzypp-5.24.5-1.1.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.1/repo/oss/suse/i586/satsolver-tools-0.13.0-3.3.i586.rpm

And possibly others.

Thank you for the hints…
I found this http://linux.derkeiler.com/pdf/Mailing-Lists/SuSE/2008-12/msg00815.pdf
it says that i only need zypper and then i will install yast with it.

But now i have a strange issue.

Linux9000:/home/stefano # rpm -i libzypp-4.28.1-0.1.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
	satsolver-tools = 0.9.6 is needed by libzypp-4.28.1-0.1.i586
Linux9000:/home/stefano # rpm -i satsolver*.*
warning: satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1.i586.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 7fb7f464
	package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1 (which is newer than satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1) is already installed
	file /usr/bin/deltainfoxml2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/dumpsolv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/mergesolv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/patchxml2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/repo2solv.sh from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/rpmdb2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/rpmmd2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/rpms2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/susetags2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1
	file /usr/bin/updateinfoxml2solv from install of satsolver-tools-0.9.6-1.1 conflicts with file from package satsolver-tools-0.13.2-0.1.1

It say that i need satsolver v9, but i have v13…
what should i do?

In a way that’s ok, you have the updated satsolver, you might want to try this:

rpm -i http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/libzypp-5.25.3-0.1.2.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/zypper-1.0.5-2.1.2.i586.rpm

Ok, thank you…i understood the mechanism…
but i can’t solve problem like this:
error reading from file /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.IqEIrb

here is what i’ve done:

**Linux9000:/home/stefano # **rpm -i http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/libzypp-5.25.3-0.1.2.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/zypper-1.0.5-2.1.2.i586.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
	libboost_signals.so.1.36.0 is needed by libzypp-5.25.3-0.1.2.i586
**Linux9000:/home/stefano # **rpm -i http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/libzypp-5.25.3-0.1.2.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/zypper-1.0.5-2.1.2.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/mithro:/backports:/rpm/openSUSE_11.0/i586/libboost_signals1_36_0-1.36.0-8.1.i586.rpm
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.ihq01e: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 788c6492
error: Failed dependencies:
	boost-license = 1.36.0 is needed by libboost_signals1_36_0-1.36.0-8.1.i586
**Linux9000:/home/stefano #** rpm -i http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/libzypp-5.25.3-0.1.2.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/zypper-1.0.5-2.1.2.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/mithro:/backports:/rpm/openSUSE_11.0/i586/libboost_signals1_36_0-1.36.0-8.1.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/mithro:/backports:/rpm/openSUSE_11.0/i586/libboost_signals1_36_0-1.36.0-8.1.i586.rpm
warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.EDhQQb: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 788c6492
error: error reading from file /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.rrPAjR
**Linux9000:/home/stefano #** man rpm
**Linux9000:/home/stefano #** rpm -i --nosignature http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/libzypp-5.25.3-0.1.2.i586.rpm http://download.opensuse.org/update/11.1/rpm/i586/zypper-1.0.5-2.1.2.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/mithro:/backports:/rpm/openSUSE_11.0/i586/libboost_signals1_36_0-1.36.0-8.1.i586.rpm ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/mithro:/backports:/rpm/openSUSE_11.0/i586/libboost_signals1_36_0-1.36.0-8.1.i586.rpm
error: error reading from file /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.IqEIrb

I don’t think it is a good idea to tell somebody to use packages for openSUSE 11.1, when he is actually running

Hi… i have opensuse 11.0

(And with rpm -i you will also generate double entries if there are already packages with the same name installed, so the rpm database will be messed up in two ways.)

Urf, I thought he was using 11.1 - my bad in that case.

Just use the repair from the DVD or reinstall - I think it’s too hard to explain how you can fix it manually.

How can i repair it from DVD?
I tried boot from DVD, i chose repair option, but it didn’t repair yast

I have to say that the solutions here proposed have been usless and chaotic for me.
Here i post the REAL solution.

Insert Opensuse DVD
Reboot from it
Choose Install
Once loaded choose Update
from packages select YaST
click update

It was very simple