i’ve tried to install opensuse 11.2, and i got a really annoying problem:
after the installation ends, and then the automatic configuration ends, i get a black screen for very very long time.
if i restart my PC, then i get to a text screen with lots of failures on the list, and in the end:
linux-‘something’ login:
and it doesn’t matter what i enter there, i get Login incorrect
please help!
I have been experiencing this same problem on my HP Pavilion dv8000 (AMD Turion 64). The computer only manages to get past the Startup Options screen perhaps one out of four attempts; the rest of the time the monitor blanks out after the “chameleon” progress-bar screen and I have to power down to try again. All the indicator lights remain lit, but my wireless LAN light never turns on.
My laptop seems to boot on Failsafe mode with no trouble.
Any ideas on how I could resolve this issue? Or is there something wrong with my HDD itself?
When you boot, hit Esc. after selecting the default boot and you will see scrolling text, see if you spot anything (errors).
Try failsafe boot, is that better?
Yes, as I stated in my post, it boots into Failsafe mode fine.
I took your suggestion and hit the Esc key after selecting the normal boot option. Out of four attempts, it succeeded in booting twice. All four times, I got the following error message:
Setting up loopback interface. Network interface is managed by the NetworkManager --> skipping
I don’t see any other errors.
Sorry that’s the DVD installer disk booted image
Just do the same in your grub boot menu
I followed this recommendation with some trepidation, as I had read accounts of acpi=off turning off USB connections and causing other problems.
However, openSuSE booted just fine – but my WLAN card was disabled. Is there a workaround for this? I am currently logged in Failsafe mode.
I apparently misspoke earlier. The error message that appears during bootup is actually
Creating /var/boot/log.msg missing
Does this change the appropriate course of action?
That’s odd because the log path is:
the various log files are in there