I need help with VNC

OK, I have SUSE 11.0 installed on a machine that I use for a file server. I just installed TightVNC server on it so I can connect by another PC. I need the full desktop. I have a Windows XP machine that needs to connect to it. I downloaded TightVNC 1.3.9 to the Windows machine and launched setup. I only installed only VNC viewer, I don’t want the Windows machine to be a server too. First of all, is this part correct? Only need the viewer?

Now, I didn’t enable remote desktop in SUSE 11.0, do I need to? How do I start VNC server on my SUSE 11.0 server now that it is installed? I also disabled the firewall in the server for now, I need to figure out what ports need to be opened in the firewall for TightVNC server to operate correctly. I think I read somewhere 5901, but now I can’t find it.

Any help would be appreciated.

There is a how to here

OK, I looked through the link and it is very helpful. I have issues with following it though. When I get to this point, I am not sure what to use:

" * Add a new line right below it, and pick a window manager. Let’s say you have FluxBox – I would pick something lightweight, so maybe install FluxBox if you don’t already have it ( fluxbox.org - old site ). It is necessary to install the following dependencies:

yast -i gcc gcc-c++ libstdc

* If you want to enable Gnome or KDE desktop, you'll have to compile Fluxbox with the extra option: 

./compile --enable-kde


./compile --enable-gnome

* then put on this line underneath that one with "#twm&" : 

exec fluxbox

* Save that file, then go back out and now run the server again: 

vncserver :1"

I do not want to install or use fluxbox, just KDE. So do I just type KDE on the first line under where it says pick a window manager?

I really don’t understand this sentance either: then put on this line underneath that one with “#twm&” :

exec fluxbox

I guess I need to see what someones file actually looks like. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

I don’t really know the answer.

But I can tell you:

I really don’t understand this sentance either: then put on this line underneath that one with “#twm&” :

exec fluxbox
You need to navigate to your hidden /home/username/.vnc
and edit the file: xstartup
right click it - open with kwrite

it should look something like this:


xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &
#twm &
exec fluxbox

*fluxbox could be replaced with another suitable WM
But that’s as much as I can say. I don’t actually use VNC.

This bit:

  • If you want to enable Gnome or KDE desktop, you’ll have to compile Fluxbox with the extra option:

./compile --enable-kde

Basically. If you did install and compile fluxbox you use the --enable-kde argument to the ./compile

so it would be
./compile --enable-kde

Sorry it took overnight to respond. I fell asleep. Anyway, I get the just of it now with your help. I just need to figure out exactly what to write when using KDS only. Thanks very much for your help!!


Did you get anywhere with this? I’m at the same point i can VNC (using TightVNC) to my SUSE 11 box (running vncserver). However, I just get a XDesktop session and no KDE.

If I then type startkde into the XDesktop it tries to start KDE but hangs on the “openSUSE” green screen. Anyone any ideas?