I need help installing Adobe Flash Player 10

To start off I have just recently transfered from windows to linux. I wanted to start messing around with linux because it seems interesting but its a lot more difficult then Windows so far.
I think my version of OpenSUSE is 11.2(I think)

Here is my situation

First I went to this site Adobe - Adobe Flash Player

I first clicked on the RPM version. In the Instruction it says to type this into the Terminal and it said that after I hit enter it would instruct me to close out my browser

#rpm uvh flash-plugin-

I typed that in and nothing happened. IT didnt instruct me to do anything and nothing happened.

It mentioned that it needed to be done as a root user. How can I tell if I am a root user or not? Also should I install the flash player through a completely separate way?

IF anyone can guide me through this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

You can install flash from the default repositories setup for you when you installed openSUSE. To confirm this, start YaST, then select Software and finally Software Management. After your repositories are updated, go to the search page and type in “flash” and press the search button. See if the program “flash-player” is present and add a check to be installed if it is not already installed. My version shows to be 10.0.45 something.

Thank You,

bookie339 wrote:
> To start off I have just recently transfered from windows to linux.
> First I went to this site ‘Adobe - Adobe Flash Player’

you are trying to install here like folks did on their old fashioned
Windows from the 1980’s and to today!

here, we don’t go to sites all over the internet to get stuff (like so
LAST CENTURY)…instead we can usually stick to the openSUSE
repositories which contain free software set up for use on our system…

it is simple:
-open YaST
-give the root password when asked for
-select Software Management (wait for it to initalize…it takes time
according to how busy the net and repos are–be PATIENT…do NOT
interrupt it)
-type flash in the search box and press “Search”
-on the right a list flash thing comes up, READ the descriptions to
determine which you want, and
-right click on the box to the left of the name and select which you
wanna do: keep, delete, install, update, etc
-press Accept

read: http://en.opensuse.org/Concepts
for more stuff here which is advanced when compared to your old system…

please note: ONE of the reason we don’t have the virus problems of
other systems is that we don’t routinely go all over to collect
programs from unknown and untrusted sources, instead we get from our


Alright its all set up now. Thanks guys it was a lot easier than what all the tutorials had me doing.

I do not wish to embarrass you Bookie339, but may I ask which tutorials you were looking at? I will say that adding and determining which update sources to use and keep active in openSUSE could use a more detailed tutorial.

You will also want to use the 1-click install method which takes a lot of the guess work out of finding and installing software not included in your original installation sources. See the link below:


Thank You,

jdmcdaniel3 wrote:
> I do not wish to embarrass you Bookie339, but may I ask which tutorials
> you were looking at? I will say that adding and determining which
> update sources to use and keep active in openSUSE could use a more
> detailed tutorial.

you are very welcome and hereby encouraged to add to the community by
building (or help build) that more detailed tutorial we need…just
put together your proposed how-to and post to:


> You will also want to use the 1-click install method which takes a lot
> of the guess work out of finding and installing software not included in
> your original installation sources. See the link below:
> ‘Software.openSUSE.org’ (http://software.opensuse.org/search)

i strongly disagree as it is my opinion (from watching here) that the
1-click install may be the root of (almost) all that is evil!

yes, i know 1-Click is “easy” but not so much easier than just using
YaST or Zypper…and it is an ideal way for new folks to
Linux/openSUSE to kill an otherwise dependable system…in few seconds

why? because the writer of the script which installs the selected
program decides from where the bits are downloaded and most often
leaves those repos enabled on the system (or the unsuspecting user
elects to leave the repos enabled)…we have seen here folks with
uncountable problems that the FIRST step in trying to fix is asking
for this:

zypper lr -d

info which is required to CLEAN UP the mess made by 1-clicks…the
variety of problems caused by (i’ve seen) up to 25 different repos is
amazing and is EASILY avoided by not allowing 1-Clicks to add repos
willy-nilly and instead follow the very sound advice in



The tutorials were not from the official site. I dont remember the exact site but one of the tutorials came form the Adobe Acrobat Site and the other tutorial I was a result from a google search.

Hope that helps

bookie339 wrote:
> The tutorials were not from the official site.

maybe you could find some of the openSUSE documentation freely
available in our wiki…bookmake this previous post of mine,


it has lots of tips on where to look to find stuff

> I dont remember the
> exact site but one of the tutorials came form the Adobe Acrobat Site

that one is worthless, they know everthing about Redmond and almost
nothing about Linux, and even less about openSUSE…

> and the other tutorial I was a result from a google search.

when you search google for openSUSE stuff it is often helpful to use a
search string like this:

site:opensuse.org install Flash player

that site:opensuse.org part will make it look ONLY here, in the
forums, wiki and archives…


Thanks for the tips. OpenSuse and Linux in general is alot easier to use now.