We are sorry, baloo_ file closed unexpectedly.
You cannot report this error because baloo_ file does not provide a bug reporting address?
With respect to this scenario we (at least you and me) have two issues –
- Leap 15.3 currently doesn’t have any “Debug Info” (.debuginfo) packages but, that’s being worked on – at least for KDE packages – there’s a Bug Report in progress – #1189606 …
- The crash occurs during logout – therefore “Dr Konqi” (/usr/lib64/libexec/drkonqi – package “drkonqi5”) can’t run …
The only way out of this, is to examine the output of “coredumpctl” for the crash related to Baloo –
- Then, apply this KDE HowTo – <https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging/How_to_create_useful_crash_reports#Retrieving_a_backtrace_using_coredumpctl>.
But, the core dump will probably not be very useful because, the debug symbols are currently, as far as Leap 15.3 is concerned, not available …
[HR][/HR]Which really only leaves this solution – first stop Baloo with “balooctl disable” – after the Baloo index files have been removed, re-enable Baloo –
> /usr/bin/find ~/.local/share/baloo/ -iname '*index*' -execdir /usr/bin/rm '{}' \;
If you want to, you can create a script to be run before KDE Plasma starts at login – the script’s name must end with “.sh” – it must either be a link or, a physical executable file, located in “~/.config/plasma-workspace/env/” –
# Clean Baloo …
if -f ~/.local/share/baloo/dateLastCleaned ]]
declare -i BalooLastDate
BalooLastDate="$(/usr/bin/cat ~/.local/share/baloo/dateLastCleaned)"
declare -i TwoDaysAgo
TwoDaysAgo="$(/usr/bin/date --date='2 days ago' +%Y%m%d)"
if (( $BalooLastDate < $TwoDaysAgo ))
/usr/bin/balooctl disable
/usr/bin/rm ~/.local/share/baloo/dateLastCleaned
/usr/bin/find ~/.local/share/baloo/ -iname '*index*' -execdir /usr/bin/rm '{}' \;
/usr/bin/date +%Y%m%d > ~/.local/share/baloo/dateLastCleaned
/usr/bin/balooctl enable
/usr/bin/balooctl disable
/usr/bin/find ~/.local/share/baloo/ -iname '*index*' -execdir /usr/bin/rm '{}' \;
/usr/bin/date +%Y%m%d > ~/.local/share/baloo/dateLastCleaned
/usr/bin/balooctl enable
Baloo shouldn’t be running when the script executes – before KDE Plasma starts –
- You can check the current Baloo status as follows:
> balooctl status
Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Idle
Total files indexed: 227,056
Files waiting for content indexing: 0
Files failed to index: 0
Current size of index is 143.91 MiB
OK thanks. It only happens on my desktop, not my laptop.Both installed the same way with 15.3.
I have the same error, but it does not occur during logout. It happens at startup. Time stamp of the error is when I logged into my computer after boot:
Executable: baloo_file PID: 2492 Signal: Aborted (6) Time: 9/22/21 18:31:32
Identical message though. The system did prompt me and download what it claimed were debug symbols and showed the output, but did not offer for me to file a bug report.
Is baloo necessary? The first thing I do an a Windows computer is to disable indexing.
Just because the lumberjacks located in the West American coniferous forests offer an operating system which has an indexing issue on your systems, doesn’t mean that, other operating systems will suffer the same issue, on your systems …
[HR][/HR]Yes, the KDE Plasma Desktop environment does perform better with respect to I/O related to disk files if, Baloo is enabled.
> LANG=C balooctl status
Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Idle
Total files indexed: 227,271
Files waiting for content indexing: 0
Files failed to index: 0
Current size of index is 143.91 MiB
On the other hand, as you can see, I do not use the US American system language –
- Whether or not, Baloo has an unknown issue with file names which use a non-European language is, a moot point …
*=2]For your particular system and location, there may well be an undiscovered issue which could, possibly, be addressed.
Same here. In KDE enter in the search field “baloo” as search term and disable file indexing. Same with “preview” trash for all kinds of files in Dolphin. It’s a pest… (and comes back with updates from time to time, although I disabled it)
Yes, if you attempt to also index the contents of files, it’ll begin to consume resources.
- But, if you let it simply index the file names, you’ll discover that, the performance related to searching for file names and/or opening many files simultaneously will improve.
[HR][/HR]Indexing file content:
- If you simply believe that, the best method is to have an extremely flat directory structure – only one directory – { A Siemens mainframe machine had exactly this architecture
} – you’ll need content indexing to find the particular file you need for your current work – especially if the file names are generated by the machine as an alpha-numeric string. - If on the other hand, you believe that, files should be organised into a directory structure which groups related files into sub-directories, you’ll probably not need to index the contents of the files.
*=2]Provided that, descriptive directory names are used and, CLI tool such as “grep” can pinpoint where the file with the content you need to work with is located.
*=2]If the directory names follow something like the “Dewey Decimal Classification” or the “Library of Congress Classification”, yes the directory structure classifies which group of files is located where but, you’ll probably still have to perform a content search to locate the file you need – especially if, the file names are either alpha-numeric or, numeric (similar to an ISBN).
Actually, I have never experienced a problem caused by Windows file indexing. I disable it simply because it uses resources for something that I feel is unnecessary. My folder / sub-folder structure is predictable. If I search for a file, it is by name, or partial name, only. I never search for content. It is very rare for any file search I do to take more than a handful of seconds to complete.