I hope you can help me with liveCD _64 bit.


I will try to burn a CD for LiveCD Suse_64bit and oldcpu told me *(http://forums.opensuse.org/soapbox/414237-i-get-my-new-computer-yesterday-i-love.html#post1986615) and I will try out.
I use SABAYON_86_64 LiveCD it workes:) but I will try Suse next time.
But the 320GB HD may have trouble to install few linux,but I try anyway.


But the 320GB HD may have trouble to install few linux,but I try anyway.
Very unlikely. Should work just fine.

It’s not very clear exactly what you want here Mike. And the 320GB HD you quote, is this anything to do with the machine spec in your signature? I guess Yes. The HD is probably the least likely thing to cause issue. More likely is the graphics, so you may have to use vesa or even text mode install.

I use my suse11.1 the old disk and I have trouble with partitioning,now it works only with one monitor.
Right now I`m sending message with suse:).
But should I open a new thread about NVidia hardware?.
What u think caf4926?.


Trouble is Mike you too many threads all touching on the same issues really. And you don’t explain yourself very clearly, at least not from my point of view. It comes across like your first language is not English. So I’m really not sure if you are installing suse 11.1 or not and what media you are using. The DVD is really the best media to use. Once installed and updated you can work on all the graphics setup.

So. Try and stick with just one thing at a time.

I am using suse 11.1 right now and thank you for the tips to playing with Nvidia.
But with NVidia GTX 295 which driver do I need 180.4x or 185.xx.
If you tell me 185.xx where can I find it?.

Thank you I really appreciate for helping me;).


Just add the nVidia repo if you haven’t already

then go to software management filter by repo and select the nvidia repo
scroll down the list and check to install this:

all the other required packages should auto add

More basic than what caf4926 wrote (and I think complimentary to what he wrote), I typed out a very brief general over view of openSUSE Linux and the ATI/nVidia graphic hardware here:
openSUSE Forums - View Single Post - I get my new computer yesterday I love it:)
… note when I refer to an rpm install of the proprietary driver (as opposed to a .run script install) that rpm install can often be easiest done by the repo (repository) recommendation of caf4926.

If it works, I think the rpm repository method may be the easiest way to do this. Having typed that, I’ve read, for some users, the rpm repository method does not work, and they are forced to use the script (.run) method.

My experience in this is so limited I can’t give any sort of encompassing qualitative assessment. I tend to use the script method over the repository method, mainly because of my personality, and for no specific technical reason.

Well I use Suse11.1 DVD and it works very well and I went to Software Management,install NVidia repo and Videolan.
I installed Nvidia Driver 180.51 about two hrs. and

 Originally Posted by caf4926  View Post
Just add the nVidia repo if you haven't already

then go to software management filter by repo and select the nvidia repo
scroll down the list and check to install this:

all the other required packages should auto add

this side was working not now.I`ll get

File Not Found
Firefox can’t find the file at http://http.download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.1/.

* Could the item have been renamed, removed, or relocated?
* Is there a spelling, capitalization, or other typographical error in the address?
* Do you have sufficient access permissions to the requested item?.

Yes I try on my fresh install suse it is not working and I use my wife laptop in WinXp,I get the same error with WinXp.I believe the side been relocated.

I really appreciate for helping me.


The URL you were given should work in your Software Package manager. Note it is NOT browseable, … ie it will NOT work in a browser.

You can see its contents in a browser if you use “ftp” instead of http. ie ftp://download.nvidia.com/opensuse/11.1/

However the “ftp” should NOT be entered as a repository.

I click on your link it works,but 10Min. ago I upgrade/update to KDE4.2.3 and know Ill logout and login,see what will happen. Before I use NVidia repo. to install it,the problem is may I should first go for NVidia one_click_install first I dont know.
Is it a good idea first install one_click_install and after install from repo.?

I do not understand your post.

Do you mean using “one click install” for all your installations? I don’t like that method. I prefer to setup my software package manager to do all my software installations.

If you do use the one click install, ALWAYS select to remove the repository after your installation is complete. Do NOT keep the repository. Keeping one’s PC functioning after “keeping the repository” after an installation, requires Linux skills well above that of the relatively new Linux user.

@ oldcpu,

Thank you for the tip about one click install and I use Nvidia repository to install NVidia lucky me.
I can`t find NVidia to config. with my or for my dual Monitor should I open new thread for Nvidia and Monitor?
Thanks again.:wink:


Well I update KDE 4.2.3 and I get up running my dual Monitor so far so good.
Suse11.1 recognize my motherboard and dual monitor and other linux could not recognize.

Novell look up next week I`ll phone you.lol!

Thank you all in our forum to try to help me out and special those one help me alots.lol!

PS look in Distrowatch.com you will see my username in coming weeks;)
