i have messed up my email


I wanted to setup a local email id for the email account I had. I tried doing so using the 'Mail Transfer Client". These are the things that I selected:
Connection Type: Permanent
Outgoing mail server: mail.supremecluster.com
under ‘masquerading’
Domains for locally delivered mail: effikc.lan
Checked ‘masquerade local domains’
Local User| Display as
zenith swarup@effikc.lan
ekta ekta@effikc.lan
effikc soubhik@effikc.lan

Under ‘authentication’
Outgoing Server: mail.supremecluster.com
user name: info@effikc.com
password: <password>

Under ‘Incoming Mail’
Checked ‘accept remote SMTP connections’
Server: mail.supremecluster.com Protocol: POP3
Remote Username: info@effikc.com Password: <password>

Local user: soubhik@effik.lan
Forward root’s mail to: soubhik@effikc.lan
Delivery Mode: Through procmail

Under ‘virtual domains’
Alias | Destination
soubhik soubhik@effikc.lan

After I have given this configuration, I have tried to configure my Kmail:
Account Type: local mail box
Account name: soubhik@effikc.lan
Locking Type: procmail lockfile

After running these applications, I found that I have deleted all the email from my inbox for the account ‘info@effikc.com’. However, when I try running Kmail, I don’t get any email in my inbox. I don’t know what has happened, but something has gone wrong and I have lost all my email.:’(

Please help.
