i cant delete a file!

i cant delete a file “unit+� 6 tradotta.doc” error say: “impossible to delete”
i try open in BASH

rm unit+� 8 tradotta.doc
rm: impossible remove “unit+�”: No such file or directory
rm: impossible remove “8”: No such file or directory
rm: impossible remove “tradotta.doc”: No such file or directory
go@linux:/media/disk/doc/spagna-ita cnr/Attachments_2011_04_28> rm ‘unit+� 8 tradotta.doc’
rm: impossibile rimuovere “unit+� 8 tradotta.doc”: No such file or directory
go@linux:/media/disk/doc/spagna-ita cnr/Attachments_2011_04_28> ls
unit+? 6 tradotta.doc unit+? 8 tradotta.doc unit+? 9 tradotta.doc
go@linux:/media/disk/doc/spagna-ita cnr/Attachments_2011_04_28> mv ‘unit+� 8 tradotta.doc’ x.doc
mv: impossible stat di “unit+� 8 tradotta.doc”: No such file or directory

how i can delete that bad files!!!:open_mouth:

You have a file with unprintable characters in the file name.

If you are able to type it in correctly, then you must use quotes (because there are spaces in the file name).

Personally, I would probably try:

rm unit*tradotta.doc

and allow the wild card “*” to match the unprintable and space characters. But perhaps first do:

ls unit*tradotta.doc

as a quick check to make sure that you are matching only one file.

thank you that is work to delete!! thank you

Using the tab-key to complete such filenames should also work.

ls -i

2064227 test 2064227 is the inode number of the file ‘test’.
Use the find command to delete the file by it’s inode number:

find . -inum 2064227 -exec rm {} \;

Yet another nice way (especially in case you prefer to keep the file): →convmv