I can't boot from live cd !


I’ve just downloaded and burned openSUSE-LXDE-11.4 and i tried to boot on the live cd but it’s impossible. After loading kernel, 2 or 3 minutes later, this message is displayed and the pc reboots:

waiting for /usb device scan to complete
waiting for CD/DVD device(s) to appear
waiting for USB device scan to complete
failed to detect CD/DVD or USB drive!
reboot exception: error consoles at Alt-F3/F4
reboot exception: reboot in 120sec

Can someone explain me how to solve this problem ?

Thanks and excuse me for my bad english.

On 08/12/2011 04:36 PM, Mikalos wrote:
> excuse me for my bad english.

-=welcome=- new poster! your english is great!! you are welcome here and
the questions i’ve asked are to try to narrow down to the potential
problem…if you prefer another language (you name seems Greek?)
there are forums in other languages, accessible from
http://forums.opensuse.org/ just scroll down and see if you find
another you like better…

in any case:

did you get the install media from software.opensuse.org, or some other
place? Where?

Did you md5 or sha1 check the .iso prior to burning the install disk?

Did you burn the disk as slow as you could set your burner?

Did you proof test the install disk by doing this before the install:
http://tinyurl.com/2ebcf27 ?

If not, please, boot from the install media, check it now and report
results back…

DD Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

Thank you DenverD :slight_smile:

did you get the install media from software.opensuse.org, or some other
place? Where?

Yes, from the oofficial source -> http://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/X11:/lxde/images/iso/openSUSE-LXDE-11.4.i686-1.1.1-Build2.1.iso

Did you md5 or sha1 check the .iso prior to burning the install disk?

I checked md5sum and it’s the same than what i downloaded.

Did you proof test the install disk by doing this before the install:
http://tinyurl.com/2ebcf27 ?

I don’t have this entry in the menu. Only these entries are displayed:

  • openSuse 11.4 lxde
  • Boot from hard disk
  • Failsafe mode.

> I don’t have this entry in the menu. Only these entries are displayed:

ok, i’ve never actually done a network install…is there a reason you
must use that? why not use a live CD? in the end you will have
downloaded what you need no matter how you do the install…

yes, the network install should minimize your download, but you see
already the down sides of using it…

DD Caveat
openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobiles” of operating systems!

No, it is not a network install.
I don’t know exactly what is the problem : i choosed the 1st entry: openSuse lxde 11.4 and after that it leads me to the message that i was talking about in the 1st post.

What can you tell us about your graphic card hardware ?

when you obtain that menu that allows you to select openSuse 11.4 lxde, Boot from hard disk, or Failsafe mode, what happens if you type ‘nomodeset’ (without the quotes0 such that ‘nomodeset’ appears in the option line of that menu, and then choose the ‘openSUSE 11.4 lxde’ boot ? Does that boot ok ?

Does the ‘Failsafe mode’ boot ok ?

This liveCD is packaged by our openSUSE community packager for LXDE

On 08/12/2011 07:56 PM, Mikalos wrote:

> No, it is not a network install.

sorry…i confused yours with another thread…i suggest you answer
oldcpu’s questions and follow his on target advice, carefully.

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!