I am running Opensuse 21.1 on a desktop
I wanted to update to the KDE 4.8 from 4.7.
I used zypper up okular.
Zypper then suggested I update the other KDE desktop suite which I did.
It said to restart which I did.
I can not log in at boot. My usual username and password do not work and neither does root and its password.
It does not tell me that they are incorrect they just do not move on.
There is a slew of messages in a window on the bottom left hand side screen saying things like cannot access DNS server etc
I have Opensuse 12.1 Gnome on another hard disc on the same machine.
How can I log back into the KDE system?
At the login screen
Choose the session kde-plasma- workspace
there was a bug which just meant you had to choose it again, even though it was already selected
Thank you for your fast reply.
I can not see where I can change the session.
What I see is a grey screen with a log in prompt box.
When I type in my username and password the screen flickers and the same screen (grey with login box) appears.
Are you sure there are no buttons of any kind either before or after you enter your username?
It sounds like you have been thrown back to a minimal setup login
No, I can’t see any buttons or options at all.
Does it look like this
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If you boot to the cli
then do
startx /usr/bin/plasma.desktop
Yes it does look like that picture (although on mine there is just plain grey with no patterns).
How do I boot to the cli?
Do I change something on my initial grub slash screen where I choose which system to use?
Problem IMHO is, that you updated only part of the KDE packages, due to the “zypper up okular” statement.
At the boot menu, hit F5 and pick “System V”, next add a space + a “3” right after the “vga=…” statement. Hit Escape to make the console visisble. Login with your username and password. Now do
zypper lr -d | grep 48
The third column will have the name of the KDE48 repo, as registered on your system. So first the repo number, then the alias, then the name. In the command I refer to the name as “KDE48-name”. Now do
su -c 'zypper dup --from KDE48-name'
This will install all KDE48 packages from one and the same repo, and AFAICT solve the issues.
post the exact output here.
after zypper lr -d | grep 48 I got
1 | Extra |Extra |Yes |Yes | 99 |rpm-md |http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE/:/Extra/KDE_Release48_openSUSE_12.1/
2 | KR48 |KR48 |Yes |Yes |99 |rpm-md |http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/KDE:/Release:/48/openSUSE_12.1/
hi again when i try zypper dup I get network is unreachable
I still have my 12.1 install disc - could I reinstall the KDE?
is your network/ethernet working
there were some issues earlier with suse repo connections
On 2012-04-30 10:36, moulta wrote:
> hi again when i try zypper dup I get network is unreachable
> I still have my 12.1 install disc - could I reinstall the KDE?
Wait till tomorrow or more. The raid array broke.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
I updates my system using zypper dup
When I type startx /user/bin/plasma-desktop
I get a lot of error messages
the prominent one is
The desktop entry file “usr/share/kde4/services/sysinfo.protocol” has Type “Application” but no Exec file
We have to assume you are using 12.1 and attempted an update of kde?
zypper dup is generally not the course to take for a kde only upgrade unless you add the repo argument for the kde repo.
We have no idea what other repos you are using?
You may have to try yast ncurses from level 3 or if you can login to console at level 5
From there try running the updates on kde again but only on the kde repo
searching your forums I found a post 459523 from phineas who seemed to have a similar problem.
He solved it by
Compositing had stopped working (don’t know why, don’t need it anyway on a vidoerecorder/server-machine) and had to be disabled:
Had to edit ~/.kde4/share/config/kwinrc:
- login worked again immediately.
Which is hopeful.
Question is how do I try this?
I can access the kde system from another disc that I have on this computer which is running opensuse 12.1 Gnome
Same here, after update to KDE 4.8.3 (4.8.3) “release 501” ,no login…
Went to workspace savemodus…
On 2012-05-05 11:46, GJElde wrote:
> Same here, after update no login…
> Went to workspace savemodus…
You both used a plain zypper dup? It is dangerous. You’ll have to undo it.
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from 11.4 x86_64 “Celadon” at Telcontar)
I did a update with Yast …
Have the KDE 4.8. release repo…
Same here, after updating to KDE 4.8.3 - After entering user and password in the kdm login screen, xserver restarts and kdm comes up again…
Switching to gdm in Yast->sysconfig editor is the workaround working for me.